Several teachers from across Martin County Schools were recently awarded Bright Ideas Grants
from the North Carolina Electric Membership Cooperatives. A variety of grade levels and content
areas are represented by the projects. This year's winners include:
"Rockets to Race Cars"
Cliff Hudson, Billie Vanderford, Mary Hill, Maggie Belagnia,
and Jessica Bryant (South Creek Middle High)
"Energy Beneath Our Feet"
Leigh Apple (South Creek MIddle/High)
"The Knightly Quest to Slay the EOC"
Brandon Woody (Riverside High)
"Teach Me What I Need to Know"
Debbie Hardwick (Riverside High)
"Art, Athletics, and Music--the Other Part of STEM"
Leigh Ann Hudson, Brian Swift, Tammy Jones,
and Maggie Bryan (Rodgers Elementary)
"Teach Wonder, Go Ahead"
Sue Speed (Rodgers Elementary)
Martin County Schools is proud of these Bright Ideas Award Winners!!