Foods II students understanding the Amino Acid chain while Culinary Arts students are putting that knowledge to work in the kitchen making Hibachi Chicken with homemade Yum Yum sauce! The CTE Foods & Nutrition Department is cooking... literally!
6 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
knife skills
Students have started this semester focused and ready in Health Science Careers class taught by Mrs. R. Revels. As you can see in the pics, these students love the exploration and hands-on opportunities in these Health Science modules. We are not only lighting a fire for health-related careers, but also igniting champions in MCS Career & Tech Ed classes.
6 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
An awesome experience for MCS students today at the Innovation Campus & Early College with BeProBeProudNC. What an amazing facility to participate in North Carolina's trade industry. Students welded, drove 18 wheelers, operated an industrial crane and excavator, timber machinery, and had options to work in the plumbing, electrical, diesel mechanic, or construction field. MCS wants to provide every student, every opportunity! Tomorrow the BPBPNC Trades Truck rolls on to the campus of Martin County High School. #MartinOffersMore
6 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
#BeProBeProudNC Trades Team will be providing MCS students with an awesome state-of-the-art technical skills learning facility next week. It's stated because it's true; #MartinOffersMore!
7 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
MCS is building programs and pathways as the 2024-25 school year begins. Current construction is for the Spring Horticulture and Hydroponics program! Students are already enjoying the new Core Construction, Health Science Career Labs, and Natural Resource courses. The BeProBeProudNC Trades Group will be on both campuses next week for a one-of-a-kind student experience in all the trades! We are igniting champions as #MartinOffersMore! #MCSCTE
7 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
Back to School News from the MCS School Nutrition Department!
7 months ago, Sarah Stalls
Students are staying connected to CTE year-round with summer internships! We are looking forward to the school year by offering more opportunities and placements for work-based learning. Thank you to our partners for making these experiences possible. #MartinOffersMore
7 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
Summer Trades Camp made the stop today at Martin Community College for Trades Day at MCC! Thank you to Mrs. Natasha Roberson, Director of the MCC Career Center for being our Academic Guide today. Thanks also to Ryal Watkins (Advanced Manufacturing/Welding), Clay Simpson (Industrial Systems/Welding), Guy Leggett III (HVAC), Mary Dalcourt (Equine Technology), Chief Larry Johnson (Fire Academy), and James Barnes (Automotive Technology) for their time, expertise, and instruction with MCS students. Pictures are worth a thousand words. Click to see more! Trades Camp continues to nurture the interest from 5th grade Career Awareness, through middle school Paxton-Patterson & CTE, and progresses the students' pathway into high school. #MartinOffersMore
8 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
panel box
MCS 8th and 9th graders are doing some good work in the CTE Trades Camp this summer! Students are learning by doing, visiting with trade experts at Beaufort Community College (Boat Building & Mech Engineering), Martin Community College, and the 64 East Trades Route. More info to come, but check out the experience the students received today, even building a picnic table! Good job guys! Thanks for enrolling in this awesome summer program.
8 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
picnic table
Two young ladies with a passion for helping others volunteered for an NC Center for the Blind/Visually Impaired event in Washington, NC recently. Liya Browning and Mikiyah Davis, students of the now Martin County High School, participated in the program to help the local eastern NC chapter chaired by Martin County native, Mrs. Kim Revels. "These two ladies did a fantastic job and displayed charisma, sincerity, and maturity. It was great to have them volunteer this evening," said Revels. "They will receive certified volunteer hours on the Governor's letterhead". Browning also recently completed an internship assisting in a special needs classroom in the district. Davis is enhancing her healthcare pathway. Thank you to both students for your time, efforts, and excellent example.
9 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
blind center
An internship in Animal Science can open doors and lead you to several opportunities. Reagan Cowan and Peyton Rogers interned with the MCS Animal Science program led by 1st year Ag Teacher, Ms. Patterson. Little did they know their involvement would put them in the Annual Livestock Show, participating in FFA Competitions, and meeting North Carolina House Representative Shelly Willingham. Kudos to these students for making the most of this opportunity! #MartinOffersMore
9 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
p and R
4h show
two girls and a goat
The MCS Internship program is on fire and Jayla Everett now knows how to handle EMS and fire calls. The MCS senior interned with Williamston Fire/Rescue, seen here with Chief Peaks and other local heroes, as she learned the ropes (and hoses) of firefighting.
9 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
Gage Savage has enhanced his agricultural mechanic skills while interning at Atlantic & Southern Implement Company, formerly C&R Implement of Williamston. Gage has received rave reviews from the shop manager and is looking forward to continuing his pursuit of using his technical and mechanical skills via the Line Technician program after graduation.
10 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
Gaining work experience, serving with others, and making an impact in the local community is what internships are all about. Seen here serving at Georgia Deans Restaurant of Williamston, Elise Missigman far surpassed her required hours as she enjoys her intern environment and the business relationships she has formed.
10 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
We have a few students who are interning in the food service industry. Janielle James, a senior at RHS, is interning and now employed at Golden Skillet of Plymouth. Janielle, seen here with a few of her co-workers, reminds us it is not "fast food" but "good food quickly". This internship has helped her appreciate the business aspect of a restaurant while gaining customer service experience as well.
10 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
MCS students continue to showcase their skills in the business community through our J.O.B.S. Internship Program. Landon Stalls, a Junior at RHS, uses his technical and mechanical skills at Cowan's Repair of Williamston.
10 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
cr fd
CTE Exam Clarification
10 months ago, Kristy Christenberry
cte exams 24
Martin County Career and Technical Education Summer Camp Opportunities still have opening! Register by May 15th! Career Discovery Camp: Open to Rising 6th Graders - July 9-11 or July 16-18 Career Exploration (Animal Science, Game Design, or Trades) Camp: Open to Rising 8th & 9th Graders - July 9-11 Career Exploration II (Health Science) Camp: Open to Rising 9th & 10th Graders - July 15 & 16 Location: MCS Innovation Campus, 411 East Blvd. Williamston, NC 27892 Contact Mrs. Christenberry with Questions;
11 months ago, Kristy Christenberry
Career Discovery Camp '24
HS Exploration '24
HS Exploration '24
MCS Interns are a great example of "Martin Offers More!" They are also a great example to younger students and our constituents for the awesome jobs they are performing as community leaders and business professionals. Brooklyn Bailey's internship has enhanced her passion and future plans for law and the legal profession. Thank you to the Martin County Clerk of Court's office for your partnership. #MCSCTE #MartinOffersMore jkw
11 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
court intern
Build your resume and enhance your leadership skills by becoming an Martin County FFA Officer! See Miss Patterson or Mr. Bennett for an application. Deadline: May 1st!
11 months ago, Kristy Christenberry
FFA Officer Apps 24