Martin County Schools Hunter Safety Team - Grades 6-12!

A Different Kind of AI:
The MCS CTE Animal Science program received a special educational session with Dr. Kayla Castevens from Country View Family Farms. "Dr. Kayla" provided an instructional presentation and then used the pig mannequins to demonstrate the AI process. Students then had the opportunity to participate and understand the importance of this technique for sow farms and swine production.

Effective January 19, 2024

FCCLA to ECU's Hospitality Leadership and Business Schools
The MCS Chapter of Family Career and Community Leaders of America attended an instructional presentation and campus tour of East Carolina University's Hospitality Leadership program. Students interested in Culinary Arts and the business side of the food service industry gained valuable information regarding the program's degree options and job opportunities.

Students from the Martin Innovative Early College and MCS CTE spoke to 8th-grade classes at Riverside Middle School recently on the Game Art Design pathway opportunities. Mr. Prettyman, who teaches GAD, along with Digital Design & Animation and Advanced Manufacturing at the Innovation Campus, had his students share their experiences and the content the courses in the pathway offered. Marshall Lawrence II, Lauren Campbell, and Terrance Whitley advised the 8th graders about the courses and prerequisites and being a student at the Early College and all the opportunities available through CTE (Career & Technical Education).

MCS student Alijah Lassiter works at his internship for PV Transport with Country View Family Farms. Located in Williamston, CVFF Trailer Wash and Bio-Dry is the only facility of its kind in NC. Alijah enjoys the work and opportunity of a paid internship via CVFF and MCS CTE. Great job, Alijah! Thank you to CVFF for your partnership to help our students "learn by doing" and enhance technical and workplace skills.

MCS HOSA (Future Healthcare Professionals) enjoyed a day of learning and observation on the ECU Health Campus. Students participated in the Brody Sciences Simulation Lab, observed real rehab practices, visited the Maynard Children's Hospital, toured the Ronald McDonald House, and ventured through the Brody Heart and Cancer Centers. MCS is learning by doing as students also received information about job shadowing opportunities at various ECU Health facilities.

Representatives from two Martin County agencies visited RHS to provide information regarding their respective careers and opportunities within their areas or work environments. Investigator M. Paniagua from the Martin County Sheriff's Office and Eric Manning, Production & Safety Manager at Martin Enterprises, provided students with valuable knowledge and real-world experiences. Students had questions answered and enjoyed learning about the intricacies of each employer.
Thank you to Mrs. Silverthorne and Mrs. Most for assisting in facilitating this event for students.

MCS School Nutrition Team has a part-time opening for a Superhero at Riverside High School!

MCS CTE and Early College students ventured to S&N Enterprises, a poultry farm owned by Perdue and operated by Mr. Steven Brake. Students gained perspective into the poultry industry, precision farming, and careers in the agriculture industry.

Purchase your BBQ Plate today and support Martin County FFA!

Purchase your BBQ Plate today and support Martin County FFA!

Purchase your BBQ Plate today and support Martin County FFA!

Order your BBQ Plate today and support the Martin County FFA!

Students in grades 5-11 AND their parents; Don't forget the FALL INTO CTE event this Thursday, October 26th, from 5:30-7:30 at the Innovation Campus, home of the Innovative Early College and Career & Technical Education (CTE). Doors open at 5:30 so come out and enjoy all things CTE. Visit and see programs like none other in the county! Plan your CTE future Thursday night at Fall into CTE!

Updates for Monday, October 23

MCS Career & Technical Education; Identifying student skills for success!
"Fall Into MCS CTE" program, Thursday, October 26th 5:30 at the Innovation Campus! Come out and find the piece to your education and career puzzle! Grades 5-11

Mr. Alvin Frazier, Recruiter from Pitt Community College, speaks to CTE students about options and pathways at PCC, especially their Construction & Industrial Technology program. Students asked questions and received first-hand information about PCC. #MCSisstudentcentered #MCSCTE

"Fall into CTE" Program hosted at the Innovation Campus, home of the Martin Innovative Early College and Career and Technical Education programs, Thursday Oct. 26th from 5:30-7:30. Come see all the course offerings for students in CTE! 5th Grade -11th grade MCS students welcome!

Students in Mrs. Revels's Health Science CTE class produced informative brochures regarding skin conditions, disorders, and treatment. The lesson provided great insight into the integumentary system. Students learned about the many intricate functions the system performs.