Don't forget Dink Mills Night at Barnes Field tomorrow (Tuesday, 4/25)! The celebration begins just before the 6pm game starts.

Coming soon . . . Spring Break!

Just a reminder. School menus are posted each month at www.mcscafe.com
Sólo un recordatorio. Los menús escolares se publican cada mes en www.mcscafe.com

Important Update on COVID Tests

Holiday Hours

Important reminder about this Friday!

The animal science students designed FFA emblem ornaments for the MCS Innovation Campus tree this week. Students were asked to include facts of agriculture during the holidays, things they have learned in class, and what comes to mind when they think of FFA. Here are just a few great examples!

FFA experiences can expand your personal growth and take you places to meet people you would never think you could see! This is Sammy Bennett, Martin County FFA Secretary, participating in the National FFA Band in Indianapolis, Indiana. They played in Lucas Oil Stadium- home of the Indianapolis Colts! The folks in the picture are from Ohio, Missouri, Texas, California and of course North Carolina.

This is a picture of downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. Site of this year's 2022 National FFA Convention.

Mrs. Smith's animal science class had two visitors Wednesday afternoon! Eric, an assistant at the Williamston Veterinary Hospital, demonstrated canine handling and care to our companion animal class. Our companion was super sweet and enjoyed the day hanging out with the other classes while they utilized Monopoly to practice financial responsibility.

These eggs have been in the incubator for 13 days! Mrs. Smith’s animal science classes hope to see the eggs hatch a week from Tuesday! Stay tuned!

Mrs. Revels' Health Science II students practiced donning and doffing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) during their unit on infection control.

Health Science I students at the Martin Couty Schools Innovation Campus recently received their American Heart Association First Aid Certification. Betty Dare Modlin who has many years of experience teaching First Aid, CPR and EMS classes was on campus to show students the appropriate way to handle many first aid situations.

We currently have a vacancy for a School Psychologist. To find out more about this position, visit the Current Vacancies in the top right corner of our webpage and check under certified positions.

Today we pause to thank and celebrate our team of principals! You have kept things going during times most will never understand. We appreciate each of you!

** Calendar Reminder **

This class is for current MCS employees!

Stop by and see our team!

Important reminder regarding this Friday, March 4!