JES Weekly announcements 

October 22, 2023

  • Red Ribbon Week for JES - October 23-27 SuperHeroes fight against drugs! 

    • Monday-Dress up like a SuperHero

    • Tuesday-Wear camouflage

    • Wednesday-Wear hat or crazy hairstyle

    • Thursday-Wear favorite jersey or team gear

    • Friday-Wear Red

  • Friday, October 27th JES Fall Festival 6-8 pm-We need donations of cakes and goodies for the cake walk, along with individual candy for prizes. The PTA is in need of drinks, cookies, and individual snacks. Donations can be dropped off in the carline or in the main office. 

  • Final Candyman orders went home Friday. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Mrs. Vicki in the main office. Candyman Main Event and the gaming theater are scheduled for October 31st. 

  • Parent Session-Reading Strategies Monday, October 30th 5-6 pm 

  • Updates and information on our JES Facebook, twitter and JES webpage.

Thanks for your continued support of JES 

Home of the Happy Herringbone Heroes! Title I School