JES Weekly announcements
November 5, 2023
Thanks to the families that have participated in the SchoolStore fundraiser which was 100% online. Students earn participation prizes and the donations to our dedicated teachers are greatly appreciated.
PTA T-shirt fundraiser - Money and order forms due by Wednesday, November 8th.
This is a short week for students. Students will come to school Monday and Tuesday, with no school the rest of the week. Parent-teacher conferences will be Wednesday (11 am-7 pm) and Thursday (8 am-12 pm). Teachers will be in professional development Thursday afternoon. Please make sure you have signed up for a time with your child’s teacher.
Friday, November 10th - NO SCHOOL for students and staff, in observance of Veteran's Day.
Raffle tickets will go home with students on Monday for the PTA ham and turkey raffle.
SAVE THE DATE-PTA Meeting (Ham & Turkey Raffle winners)/Veteran’s Day Program Thursday, November 16th at 6:30 pm.
Updates and information on our JES Facebook, twitter and JES webpage.
Thanks for your continued support of JES
Home of the Happy Herringbone Heroes! Title I School