JES Weekly announcements
December 10, 2023
We had a great turnout for Cookies with Santa. Thanks to all the families that attended. Santa reported that our kids were on the nice list!
Special Olympics Wednesday, December 13th at South Creek Elementary
JES Christmas Store is still accepting donations of new and gently used items. Students will shop for Christmas gifts for loved ones on December 14th.
Thursday, December 14th Students in grades 1st, 2nd and 5th with signed permission slips will travel to Riverside High School for choir practice. Parents will be responsible for returning students to RHS at 5:30 pm for the All County Elementary Christmas Program at 6:30 pm.
Christmas Spirit week December 11-15th -
December 18th & 19th are Remote Learning Days for students; no students on campus. Students in grades 3-5 will have Google classroom assignments and PreK-2 will have paper packets. More details about assignments will be given this week by your child’s teacher.
Updates and information on our JES Facebook, twitter and JES webpage.
Thanks for your continued support of JES
Home of the Happy Herringbone Heroes! Title I School