Jamesville Elementary School

Thanks for visiting our web site.  We are “Committed to Excellence," and we work hard to make the site a primary source for timely information for all users, and a main gateway for improved communication between parents, teachers, students, and other members of our community.

                                   Addresss: 1220 Hardison St, Jamesville, NC 27846                                                                       POB 190, Jamesville, NC 27846

                                  School Phone:  (252) 792-8304  Fax: 252-809-4813

JES Vision:  Sustain and extend the safe, healthy, and nurturing environment which facilitates optimal learning for all students and which will help prepare them to thrive and to contribute to a complex, dynamic, global, and multicultural society.

JES Mission:  Broaden the existing collaborative environment among staff, students, and community which provides every student with multiple and varied learning experiences.  All fiscal and human resources within the educational community will continue to be expended to support classroom instruction and interactions that prepare students while fostering self-esteem, pride, respect, and a sense of responsibility for one’s own learning.

INDISTAR (http://www.indistar.org) - School Improvement Plan

Guest ID- GuestS16697; Guest Password- GuestS16697




The Martin County School System does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, sex, age, disability, or national origin in admission to, access to, and treatment in its programs and activities.