These are the weekly announcements for April 24, 2023:

  • Prom will occur on Friday, April 28 from 7PM-10:30PM.  Students participating in Grand March should arrive at Yankee Hall and report to the side patio no later than 6:50pm the day of the prom in order to be organized.  Parking details for families and guests during Grand March and other information about Prom expectations has been shared in the Google Classroom and can be found on the RHS website.  This year students that are absent from school on the day of prom will receive absences as usual for the classes they miss, but will still be allowed to attend prom. 
  • Students who have not yet registered for MCC summer or fall classes need to see Mr. Smith ASAP.
  • Senior Information: Senior fees are now $90 & are payable to Mr. Delph each day by 1:30 pm. The last day to pay Senior fees will be May 31st. This fee covers the cost of your cap & gown unit, as well as other graduation expenses.  If you have not picked up your cap & gown please see Mrs. Hoggard in room 183 during 1st period or after school to pick it up ASAP. Do not interrupt her classes to get your cap & gown. Seniors, you must also clear all of your school debts and fees by May 31, 2023 or you will not be able to participate in graduation and your diplomas will be held.
  • There will be a FREE CTE Accelerator Summer Camp that is offered at the Innovation Campus! It will be from June 20th-23rd and June 27th–30th.  It will have hands-on experiences including activities with Animal Science, Culinary Arts, and Advanced Manufacturing/Game Art Design.  Please email Mrs. Stanton or you can find the information on our social media and website.
  • On May 10, 2023, Seniors who volunteer will be participating in a Senior walk in their cap & gown at Williamston Primary School, EJ Hayes Elementary School, Riverside Middle School, & Jamesville Elementary. Permission slips can be picked up from Mrs. Hoggard, Mrs. Riddick, Mrs. Most, & Mrs. Raynor. In order to attend, permission slips must be returned to one of these teachers by Friday May 5th. Seniors without a permission slip will not be allowed to attend.