These are the weekly announcements for April 11, 2022
- Senior fees are currently $85 and are payable to Mr. Delph in room 205 each day before 1:00 PM. Fees must be paid in order to receive your cap & gown & to graduate.
- Registration is now open for Martin Community College, please make sure to meet with Mr. Smith to get registered for a class. Feel free to email him at
- Attention Juniors and Seniors…Prom tickets are on sale for $40 each. Money can be paid to Dr. Cecil during all lunches. The prom is scheduled for Friday, May 20th at Yankee Hall Plantation. Guest applications can be picked up at the office and are due by May 6th.
- Seniors, please check the Senior Google Classroom for an exciting announcement about an elementary school Graduation Parade!!
- Seniors are reminded to pick up their cap & gown from Mrs. Hoggard during Knight Lunch or during 4th period. Senior fees must be paid in order to receive your cap & gown.
- There will be a band parent meeting on April 28th at 6:00 pm in the band room. This is for all high school and upcoming 9th grade band parents.
- Students are reminded that they must have a parking pass to park in the student parking lot. Cars parked in the parking lot without a pass are subject to be towed at the owner’s expense.
- HOSA will be hosting our annual spring blood drive in the auditorium on Tuesday, April 26th from 9 am to 2 pm. We will be in the cafeteria all lunches on Monday, April 25th to register students for the drive, just look for the registration table! All staff are welcome to donate as well, please help us publicize this event with family and the community. You can also register ahead of time by visiting
- Students may not bring in fast food for lunch and may not leave campus during lunch to go and get food. Any fast food that is brought in will be taken and students can pick it up at the end of the day.
Athletic Events
Golf at Perquimans 1:00 pm
Tennis v Bear Grass 4:00 pm
Baseball v Perquimans 6:00 pm
Softball v Perquimans 6:00 pm
Golf home 1:00 pm
Tennis Tournament home 3:00 pm
Track home 4:00 pm
Baseball at Perquimans 7:00 pm
Softball at Perquimans 7:00 pm