These are the weekly announcements for the week of January 9, 2023:

  • Senior fees are now $85 & are payable to Mr. Delph each day by 1:30 pm. This fee covers the cost of your cap & gown unit, as well as other graduation expenses.  Dues will increase to $90 on Jan. 11th. Seniors who would like to purchase an ad to appear in the 22/23 yearbook have until January 31 to turn in money and designs.  Senior ad forms can be picked up from the media center or the stand outside the front office.  If you have already purchased an ad but have not submitted a design please do so as soon as possible. 
  • If you are interested in Joining the Fire Academy Program or would like to learn more information about becoming a Firefighter or EMT, please contact Mr. Smith in guidance ss09169@martincc.edu or sign up for one of his MCC registration Knight Lunches.
  • This is a reminder to seniors that if you need help with applying to college & completing your FAFSA, please see your college adviser, Ms. James or email her to schedule a time to meet.
  • We will follow the Knight Lunch Bell Schedule on 1-9 and 1-10.  Starting 1-11 we will follow the Regular Bell Schedule (no Knight Lunch). 
 First Semeseter Exam Schedule

        If you have ANY questions about exams please ask your teacher!!!!

  • 1-12 - 2nd and 4th Teacher Made Exams
  • 1-13 - EOC Tests arrive at school by 7:50
  • 1-17 - EOC Tests arrive at school by 7:50
  • 1-18 - CTE 1st and 3rd Exams at the Innovation Campus
  • 1-19 - CTE 2nd and 4th Exams at the Innovation Campus
  • 1-20 - MAKE UP EXAMS