Riverside Middle School Students,
This is your Admin Team - Mr. Howard and Mrs. Willhite.
We hope you are all doing well and we think about you often. We are looking forward to hopefully seeing you soon. This is a very difficult time for all of us and as part of our RMS family we want to make sure you have accurate information regarding the passing/failing of students for this academic school year.
It has come to our attention that rumors regarding the promotion/passing of all students as a result of our remote learning process are currently being discussed within our school community.
It cannot be assumed that students who were at risk academically at the time of our school closure will be promoted. It is important that students approach this learning process with the intent to do their very best.
At present the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction has not approved nor recommended that grading be determined by a Pass/Fail, in the event that they do, schools will be required to provide evidence of student learning to support their decision. At risk students who are able to access materials (online and/or materials provided) and put forth very little effort to complete assignments, could detrimentally impact their likelihood for a passing grade.
Please continue to do your very best under these circumstances. You should participate in the lessons and complete tasks assigned to you. Teachers will continue to provide feedback to you and this information will be used to determine how you will be evaluated at the end of this academic school year.
Thank you,
Mr. Howard
Sarah Willhite
Assistant Principal

April 15, 2020