Updates to Background Checks:
1) If you are planning to go on a Field Trip, you WILL need to complete a background check.
2) If you are volunteering in the school to work with individual students or small groups of students, you WILL need a background check.
**If you have had a background check within the past 12 months, you may submit a copy of your background check to the school. We will send it to the Central Office for approval.
**Background checks are good for 1 calendar year (365 days) not 1 school year.
3) You do NOT need a background check to:
a) eat lunch with your child
b) attend Awards Day
c) attend evening events such as Arts Night, Literacy Carnival, STEM Nights, or music programs
d) participate in class parties
e) assist with Field Day
Thank you for your patience as we are working to enforce District Policy and ensure the safety of all of our students! Please contact the school or the Central Office with further questions.