- Our Candy Man Fundraiser began last Wednesday and will continue through Oct. 7th. All orders and money are due no later than 3:00 on Oct. 8th.
- We will have Fall Picture Day on Thursday, Oct. 3rd. Students may wear anything that is school appropriate for pictures.
- The first marking period will end on Friday, Oct. 4th.
- This Friday, Oct. 4th, we will dismiss at 1:00 pm.
- Don't forget that if your student is absent to send a note the day they return to school. Reasons for excused absences are located in the RES student handbook.
- It is very important that your student is in school each day. Please ensure that they arrive by the 7:50 tardy bell and avoid picking them up early unless it is absolutely necessary. Late arrivals and early departures result in lost instructional time for your child.
- Lastly, in the afternoon, when picking up your child, please remain in the car. If you need to assist your child with buckling a seatbelt, please pull all the way past gate #1 before exiting the car to help fasten seatbelts. This will help to ensure that the car rider line flows smoothly in the afternoon.