- We will recognize Unity Day on Wednesday, Oct. 23rd. Students may wear any school-appropriate orange shirt with their uniform pants. - Monday, October 28th will be a regular school day. This was previously an unscheduled day; however it is now a make-up day from hurricane Dorian.
- All box tops are due by Wednesday, October 30th! Please turn in box tops to your child's homeroom teacher. Box Tops now has a mobile app that you can use! Just set-up your app to designate funds for Rodgers Elementary School.
- RES t-shirts and sweatshirts will be on sale until November 15th. Please be sure to turn in orders and money by 3:00 on Nov. 15th. No late orders will be accepted and this is our only shirt sale this school year!
- Parents are reminded that our tardy bell rings each day at 7:50. Students must be inside the building before the bell to avoid being counted tardy. It is extremely important that your child is in school each day and is on-time!
- If your student is absent, please send a note the day they return to school!
- Please join the PTA! The cost to join is $5. We have membership forms available in the office!
- Lastly, please don't forget that all changes in transportation must be in writing and must be received by 2:00 pm each day.