- The second marking period will end on Tuesday, November 19th. Report Cards will be distributed on Monday, November 25th.
- Just as a reminder, per the Martin County Schools dress code policy, students may not wear hooded sweatshirts or coats in the classroom. They may wear these to and from school as well as at recess; however they may not wear them in the classroom.
- Please remember that the tardy bell rings at 7:50 each day and students must be in the school prior to the 7:50 bell or they will be counted tardy. It is extremely important that students are on time for school each day and that they stay the entire day. When students sign-in late or leave early, they are missing valuable instructional time.
- Lastly, if your student is absent, please send a note the day they return to school. Reasons for excused absences are listed in the Rodgers student handbook which is located inside your child's planner.