- Breakfast will be available for pick-up at RES from 7:30 to 9 and lunch will be available for pick-up from 11 to 1.
- Martin County Schools will also provide mobile grab and go meals. The two locations that will be staffed by RES are at Rose of Sharon Church and Cross Roads Church on Prison Camp Road. Meals will be available at Rose of Sharon from 11:00 - 11:45 and at Cross Roads Church from 12 to 12:45.
- iReady will be available for students to work on at home as long as we are out of school. Please try to limit iReady online instruction to one hour per week per subject. iReady does have math learning games that can be played for an unlimited amount of time. Students will not be penalized if they don't have access to iReady, it is just optional instructional support at this time.
- We will be posting on Facebook and our school website, some other possible internet sources that you can use to support your child at home.
- K-2 parents should continue to work with students on their sight words and we encourage all of our students to continue reading daily.
- We will continue to post updates and information as it becomes available. We hope to see all of our students back at school very soon!

Updates and Information
March 17, 2020