- This is just a reminder that Martin County Schools is providing no cost breakfast and lunch for children from birth to age 18. Lunch and breakfast for the following day may be picked up from any Martin County School from 11 to 1 daily, or at mobile sites around the county. The mobile sites for RES are as follows:
11:00 - 11:30 Dragonfly Lane and Rose of Sharon Church
11:40 - 12:00 Crossroads Church
12:05 - 12:25 Felton Rodgers Trailer Park
12:30 - 12:50 Eds Grocery
Hot lunches are provided daily at school sites and on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at mobile sites. For a full list of mobile sites, you can visit the RES webpage or the MCS webpage.
- Last week was designated as Spring Break for MCS. therefore, students should continue to work on their 1st packets this week. Please encourage your child to complete 45 min to 1 hour of iReady Reading and Math each week.
- The next packet pick-up will be on Monday, April 6th. We ask that when you pick-up packets, that you please turn in the first packet as well as any library books. While we encourage your child to read, they will not take AR tests at this time. Teachers will be sending home some books with the next packet. I will also post some online sites where students can access books at no charge.
- All teachers have created Google Classrooms for their students. All students now have an email address and will be included in the classroom. Teachers will be in contact with you Monday to ensure that your child knows their email address and that both you and your child have access to their email and google classroom account. We will be posting some google classroom basics on both our Facebook page and webpage this week.
- We know that this transition to distance learning is difficult, but we will do our best to ensure that students continue to learn and that we support them and you in every possible way!
- Continue to check our Facebook page and our School website for additional information and please remain in contact with your child's teacher.
- I sincerely hope that we will see all of our students return on May 18th, they have been missed! Thank you for your patience as we try to navigate this new form of teaching.

Announcements for March 29th
March 29, 2020