- Thank you to everyone who was able to come out yesterday to turn in packets & library books and pick up your new packet. If you were not able to come yesterday, we will have another packet pick-up today from 3 to 6 pm. Please be sure to return your child's first packet and any library books they may have checked out.
- This Friday is a Teacher Workday and next Monday is a holiday, therefore, students do not have to complete work on these days unless you choose to have them do so.
- If you have a computer and internet access, please try to encourage your child to get 45 minutes of iReady Reading and 45 minutes of iReady math each week.
- Just as a reminder, per a county office directive, our normal business hours are from 8:30 am to 2;30 pm and all of our teachers are currently working remotely. Please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher via their messaging app or via email. All teachers do have regularly scheduled office hours each day to respond to your messages.
Additional Information
April 7, 2020