- Monday, Oct. 26th is a Teacher Workday and a virtual learning day for students. For our in-person students, we did send home packets on Friday for students to complete while they are at home on Monday.
- Our Fall Fundraiser is underway. All fundraiser packets and money are due on November 3rd. Thank you in advance for supporting our school!
- If you have any Box Tops, please send them to school by Thursday, Oct. 29th. Also, don't forget that Box Tops for Education has gone electronic. You can download the app and scan your receipt. Please be sure to select Rodgers as the school you are supporting!
- Parents are reminded not to enter the parking lot for afternoon pick-up until 2:45. - If you are picking up your child early, they must be picked up prior to 2:30
- Just as a reminder, in both the morning and afternoon, please only turn right out of our parking lot. This helps to ensure that traffic moves smoothly.
- Parents, please be sure that you are washing your masks regularly & that students bring one with them each day.
- Students must have a mask to get on the bus in the morning. If your child does not have a mask and drivers are out of masks, your child will not be allowed to get on the bus.
- This week is Red Ribbon Week and the theme for the week is "Be Happy, Be Brave, Be Drug Free"
- Tuesday's theme is "Don't let drugs mix you up!": Students may wear mismatched clothes or crazy socks.
- Wednesday's theme is "My future is too bright to get tied up in drugs": students may wear bright colored shirts or tie dyed shirts with uniform bottoms.
-Thursday's theme is "I'm a Jean-ius, I'm drug free": students may wear any red shirt with jeans or school uniform pants. Please note that if your child wears jeans, they must wear a red shirt.
-Friday's theme is "Follow your dreams, don't do drugs!": students may wear school appropriate pajamas. No bedroom shoes or slippers are allowed.
Please remember that each day students are still required to wear their mask. We hope that students will celebrate with us this week.