November 12, 2018
SCES staff will provide games. Parents come see how you get get involved in our school.
October 11, 2018
Thursday, October 11th: Early Release Day: dismissal 12:50, Picture Day!, Report Cards sent home. Friday, October 12th: NO SCHOOL - Mandatory Teacher Workday
October 1, 2018
SCES will release at 12:50pm this Friday, 10/5/18. Please make necessary arrangements for your child. If a transportation change is being made, please send a note to your child's ...
September 11, 2018
Third grade students at SCES will participate in the North Carolina Beginning of Grade Reading Test on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018. Please make sure that students are at school on t...
September 7, 2018
Thank you for all of the support as we made our transition. We know that the car pick up and drop off situation has been a learning experience for all of us.
Please be reminde...

September 4, 2018
CALLING ALL PARENTS!! SCES is looking for several parents who are willing to take on the responsibility of starting up a Parent Teacher Organization. Please email Mrs. Wagner if y...
September 4, 2018
Students will participate in beginning of the year diagnostic iReady Reading and Math testing September 5-19, 2018.