The MCS CTE Career & College Fair is only 1 week away! Thank you to Manning Masonry, Martin County Economic Development, Domtar, Martin Community College, Lilley International, Martin County Chamber of Commerce, Martin Enterprises, and our corporate sponsor, The Edwards Company.

The Martin County Schools CTE Career & College Fair is next week!
Thursday, March 13th, 2025 at the Career & Technical Center on the Innovation Campus!
Stay tuned for more information...

MCS CTE students participated in the SkillsUSA Eastern Regional Competition along with several schools across the state. SkillsUSA offers a broad range of awesome competitions and every one of our students placed and brought home a medal in their inaugural attempt. We are so proud of you!
Kayla Smith - Photography (5th)
Jamil Morris - Digital Software Design (1st)
Bianca Hernandez & Jazmyne Staton - CPR (3rd)
Lyrah Bakinowski - Adobe Video & Visual Design (2nd)
Terrance Whitley - T-shirt Design (3rd)
Lonnie Lee, Kenleigh Hardison, & Jalyn Raynor - Crime Scene Investigation (1st)
These students made a fantastic impression for MCS at SkillsUSA!

Students took part in FFA's "Drive your Tractor to School Day" last week! Brody Whitaker, Beau Brown, & Landon Stalls took a slower route to school, but it was worth it as they showed the type of agricultural equipment they can operate. Luckily, the modernization of ag equipment now includes a cab on the tractor!

Students are working with the experts in preparation for their SkillsUSA "Crime Scene Inspection" event. Sheriff Drew Robinson, Lieutenant Investigator Roebuck, and SBI Agent Cowan share and show with interested student investigators Jalyn , Kenleigh, & Lonnie . Mrs. Revels (Health Science) brought in these officers to share their knowledge with students and we appreciate their time and coaching!

This week, representatives from the MCS Hunter Safety Shooting Team visited RMS to discuss upcoming events and extend membership opportunities to students who are interested in joining.
This group works to hone shooting and hunting skills, and to promote the safe handling of firearms. The team currently meets weekly on Sundays to prepare for their upcoming district tournament. They will also be hosting a hunter safety education course in the near future - be on the lookout for more information! To learn more about the upcoming course or joining the team, please reach out to Miss Patterson at cpatterson@martin.k12.nc.us.
Thank you to Mrs. Rushing and team at RMS for giving us the opportunity to connect with future members of our growing program!

Flagstone Foods, Inc. of Robersonville, a regional snack food manufacturer, visited MCS CTE students recently to discuss the plant's opportunities regarding employment, salary, and the education and skills needed. Mr Tony Hinton, Director of People Transformation, and Ms. Ericca Webb, Production Manager, enlightened students about Flagstone products and career choices. Students were also provided a Planters snack, produced at the Flagstone facility.
We appreciate Flagstone Foods and Mr. Hinton for serving on our MCS Career & Technical Education Business & Industry Council.

Congrats to our MCS CTE Internship students who completed a successful work-based learning experience for the fall semester. 80% of the enrolled students have secured employment in part-time work while in school, or full-time employment post-graduation.

Martin County Schools FFA hosted the annual Federation Truck & Tractor competition today at the Innovation Campus. Landon Stalls participated in the event for MCS that also included four other schools. Mrs. Patterson set the course and students enjoyed a great time in the cold. Thank you to Lilley International (Career Fair Sponsor) and Feyer Ford for providing the equipment to support the competition. #MCSCTE #LearningthroughDoing

The MCS FCCLA (Family, Career, & Community Leaders of America) chapter led the FCCLA Fall Leadership Conference held at East Carolina University. Students competed in various competitions and MCS showed up and showed out! Winners from the event were;
Akeelah Biggs - 1st place for Chapter Budget
Nijae Carney and Kayla Griffin - 3rd place for Chapter Social Media
Tearra Smallwood and Dashawn Griffin - 2nd place for Service Project
Ezzurie Williams, VP of Chapter Events, hosted the event on the ECU stage and presented "Tips and Tricks for Star Events". Congrats to these students and for representing MCS as a leader in regional FCCLA competitions.

The Edwards Company, an industrial contractor that provides full-service fabrication, crane & rigging, piping, mechanical, electrical, plant maintenance, and ASME Code and repair, visited with CTE students recently. Mr. Bobby Sutton, project manager, and Mrs. Kaleigh May, Company Recruiter, provided information to students about the company and opportunities for employment. Edwards Company is also the corporate sponsor of the MCS Career & College Fair.

These students in Mrs. Vernetta Griffin's Adobe Academy class received their National Certification in Adobe Photoshop! Congratulations! #Career&TechEd #MartinOffersMore #MCSCTE

MCS Career & Technical Education featured on WITN-7 newscast! Our CTE teachers and students continue to raise the bar using cross-curricular relationships with core teachers.

Monday 11/18 is a big night for MCS Curriculum and Career & Technical Education for high school students and families! Come out to see core courses, instruction techniques, and ALL departments of CTE. Ask questions, see course offerings and pathways, and plan for your future! Doors open at 5:30 and sessions begin at 6pm at the Innovation Campus. We look forward to seeing YOU!

MCS CTE has gained another partner to help grow our homegrown talent and provide awareness for manufacturing jobs in the county. Flagstone Foods, Inc. (Robersonville, NC) is creating a Career Day for interested MCHS seniors to tour the plant and debrief about employment options.

MCS CTE Ag programs are taking it up a notch! Brent Jennings, NC Coopertative Extension Animal Science Associate speaks to students enrolled in Animals Science I about livestock market trends, food processing, and careers in Food & Animal Sciences.
Riverside Middle School's Ag and Natural Resources program received its greenhouse for expanding the Hydroponics & Plant Pathology program.

The MCS Barnyard was busy this morning bridging the pathway of Middle School Agriculture and High School Animal Science. The Animal Science II Companion class hosted Agriscience students from Riverside Middle School to see and work with companion animals. Chickens, baby chicks, goats, rabbits, mini pot-belly pigs, and a ferret were on display for students to hold and observe. Students will be provided more of these opportunities as we begin celebrating Career Development Month.
#Career & Technical Education #MartinOffersMore #MSCTE

The 900 Building is buzzing with work and projects from the Family & Consumer Sciences Department. In Foods & Nutrition, students produced the 9 essential amino acids chain while those in Counseling and Mental Health discussed communication best practices while building with partners. Some students even showed up on their day off from school to produce a display for FCCLA. Shout out to our FACS Dept. #Martin OffersMore

Foods II students understanding the Amino Acid chain while Culinary Arts students are putting that knowledge to work in the kitchen making Hibachi Chicken with homemade Yum Yum sauce! The CTE Foods & Nutrition Department is cooking... literally!

Students have started this semester focused and ready in Health Science Careers class taught by Mrs. R. Revels. As you can see in the pics, these students love the exploration and hands-on opportunities in these Health Science modules. We are not only lighting a fire for health-related careers, but also igniting champions in MCS Career & Tech Ed classes.