It's CTE Month and we want to showcase our Fabulous High School CTE Teachers! These teachers know their content, put in the extra hours to make sure every student has the opportunity to be successful through afterschool activities and clubs to engaging hands on lessons. Thank you for choosing MCS as your home!

It's CTE Month and we want to showcase our Fabulous High School CTE Teachers! These teachers know their content, put in the extra hours to make sure every student has the opportunity to be successful through afterschool activities and clubs to engaging hands on lessons. Thank you for choosing MCS as your home!

FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) students attended the annual Hospitality Leadership Conference at East Carolina University. These students have career interests in culinary arts, foods and nutrition, as well as the hospitality industry.

Our district is in the process of completing a Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment for Career and Technical Education for Martin County Schools. Students, parents, and community partners all play an important role in students' academic, intellectual, social, and emotional growth.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses are classes that are predominately project-based classes where students learn by doing, where students can potentially earn professional certifications, and where students can prepare for direct entry into the workforce or educational and technical programs directly after high school graduation.
In order to assess our CTE program properly, we would like to receive your feedback. Please complete the survey appropriate to your role in Martin County Schools, and we thank you for your assistance. Deadline: March 1st
Parent Survey -- https://bit.ly/23CTEparentsurvey
Community Member Survey -- https://bit.ly/23CTECommunitySurvey
MCS Middle & High School Staff Survey -- https://bit.ly/23CTEStaffSurvey

It's CTE Month and we want to showcase our Fabulous High School CTE Teachers! These teachers know their content, put in the extra hours to make sure every student has the opportunity to be successful through afterschool activities and clubs to engaging hands on lessons. Thank you for choosing MCS as your home!

It's CTE Month and we want to showcase our Fabulous High School CTE Teachers! These teachers know their content, put in the extra hours to make sure every student has the opportunity to be successful through afterschool activities and clubs to engaging hands on lessons. Thank you for choosing MCS as your home!

Open to all Middle and High School Ag Students!

Today at the Innovation Campus, Martin Community College's Physical Therapy Assistant students worked with Mrs. Ward's Nursing Fundamentals students on Range of Motion and Ambulation Skills.

February is Career & Technical Education Month! We want to thank some of our initial sponsors of the MCS College and Career Fair taking place on March 27th, 2024 at the MCS Innovation Campus! Thank you to Edwards, Inc. (corporate sponsor) and Martin County Economic Development.

5th grade Career Awareness students received an update on the new Martin Innovative Middle School, the opportunities in our CTE program, new middle school CTE course offerings, and the Feb. 6th Better Together event showcasing the new Martin County Schools! No one else around offers what we do. #CTEmonth

🎉 CTE Month 🎉
Meet the finest Middle School CTE team in North Carolina!

Great things happening!

It's February! ❤️ That means it is CTE Month, and we can't wait to share awareness about the vital role CTE plays in preparing learners for college and career success.
Stay tuned for weekly posts all about Career and Technical Education!

Students at the Martin Innovative Early College had a visit from Jaykobi Cochrane, Regional Continuous Improvement Engineering Director, for IPG in Everetts.
The Company develops, manufactures, and sells a variety of solutions including paper and film-based pressure-sensitive and water-activated tapes, stretch and shrink films, protective packaging, woven and non-woven products, and packaging machinery.
Cochrane provided an overview of the career opportunities within IPG. He also addressed the importance of safety in the workplace and discussed the use of technology.

Martin County Schools Hunter Safety Team - Grades 6-12!

A Different Kind of AI:
The MCS CTE Animal Science program received a special educational session with Dr. Kayla Castevens from Country View Family Farms. "Dr. Kayla" provided an instructional presentation and then used the pig mannequins to demonstrate the AI process. Students then had the opportunity to participate and understand the importance of this technique for sow farms and swine production.

Effective January 19, 2024

FCCLA to ECU's Hospitality Leadership and Business Schools
The MCS Chapter of Family Career and Community Leaders of America attended an instructional presentation and campus tour of East Carolina University's Hospitality Leadership program. Students interested in Culinary Arts and the business side of the food service industry gained valuable information regarding the program's degree options and job opportunities.

Students from the Martin Innovative Early College and MCS CTE spoke to 8th-grade classes at Riverside Middle School recently on the Game Art Design pathway opportunities. Mr. Prettyman, who teaches GAD, along with Digital Design & Animation and Advanced Manufacturing at the Innovation Campus, had his students share their experiences and the content the courses in the pathway offered. Marshall Lawrence II, Lauren Campbell, and Terrance Whitley advised the 8th graders about the courses and prerequisites and being a student at the Early College and all the opportunities available through CTE (Career & Technical Education).

MCS student Alijah Lassiter works at his internship for PV Transport with Country View Family Farms. Located in Williamston, CVFF Trailer Wash and Bio-Dry is the only facility of its kind in NC. Alijah enjoys the work and opportunity of a paid internship via CVFF and MCS CTE. Great job, Alijah! Thank you to CVFF for your partnership to help our students "learn by doing" and enhance technical and workplace skills.