Some of our students spent time today reading to kindergarteners from across Martin County Schools at the "I Like Me" event. Everyone enjoyed reading the personalized books and making new friends! Thanks to the Williamston Rotary Club for including us!
about 11 hours ago, Stephanie Cottle
Ian Shaw and Aneeka Reedy U. S. Army National Guard Enlistment Ceremony. Receiving $76,000.
about 14 hours ago, Libby Grimes
MCHS would like to shoutout our awesome office staff. They keep our office running with a smile. A huge thank you to Ms. Gravgaard (book keeper), Ms. Powell (MCHS office manager), Ms. Keyes (data manager), and Ms. Whitley (IC office manager).
about 16 hours ago, Grantley Mizelle
office staff
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office staff 3
MCHS Guardian News Week of 3/3/25
1 day ago, Grantley Mizelle
MCS CTE students participated in the SkillsUSA Eastern Regional Competition along with several schools across the state. SkillsUSA offers a broad range of awesome competitions and every one of our students placed and brought home a medal in their inaugural attempt. We are so proud of you! Kayla Smith - Photography (5th) Jamil Morris - Digital Software Design (1st) Bianca Hernandez & Jazmyne Staton - CPR (3rd) Lyrah Bakinowski - Adobe Video & Visual Design (2nd) Terrance Whitley - T-shirt Design (3rd) Lonnie Lee, Kenleigh Hardison, & Jalyn Raynor - Crime Scene Investigation (1st) These students made a fantastic impression for MCS at SkillsUSA!
2 days ago, Jason K. Wynne
kayla s
Students took part in FFA's "Drive your Tractor to School Day" last week! Brody Whitaker, Beau Brown, & Landon Stalls took a slower route to school, but it was worth it as they showed the type of agricultural equipment they can operate. Luckily, the modernization of ag equipment now includes a cab on the tractor!
3 days ago, Jason K. Wynne
The 12th Grade Guardian March Newsletter is in the link below. Please check this for important scholarship information. Don't forget about our 12th grade guardian night on 3/10/25 at 6 pm in the cafeteria.
3 days ago, Grantley Mizelle
3 days ago, Libby Grimes
A huge thank you to Mr. Jeremy Collins of Providence Omnistructure for coming out to speak to our 11th and 12th graders today. He spoke about growing up in Martin County and what it takes to be successful. MARTIN OFFERS MORE
4 days ago, Grantley Mizelle
J. Collins
J. Collins 2
J. Collins 3
12th grade guardians/students: Don't forget the Spring meeting on 3/10/25 at 6 pm in the MCHS cafeteria.
4 days ago, Grantley Mizelle
12th grade night
Our JROTC cadets mentoring the future leaders of America at EJ Hayes Elementary School. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
4 days ago, Tonya McDade
PLC's (Professional Learning Community) for our teachers led by our instructional coach Dr. Linda James. Teachers were discussing the development of the brain. Teachers continue to support and learn from one another. This occurs weekly on Wednesdays at MCHS during teachers planning period. Gators Support Gators.
6 days ago, Grantley Mizelle
Students are working with the experts in preparation for their SkillsUSA "Crime Scene Inspection" event. Sheriff Drew Robinson, Lieutenant Investigator Roebuck, and SBI Agent Cowan share and show with interested student investigators Jalyn , Kenleigh, & Lonnie . Mrs. Revels (Health Science) brought in these officers to share their knowledge with students and we appreciate their time and coaching!
6 days ago, Jason K. Wynne
MCHS Guardian News Week of 2/24/25
9 days ago, Grantley Mizelle
A big thank you to A plus testing is preparing our students for the ACT WorkKeys next week. The ACT WorkKeys assessments will be the week of 2/24. 12th graders: ACT workKeys testing will be this week. Accommodations testing will be Monday, Tuesday will be standard testing, and Wednesday will be make-up day. All tests start after school breakfast and will take place at the IC in room 145. Any student signing out after testing must have a note from their guardian with the date, student & guardian printed name, guardian signature, guardian phone #, and who they are riding home with. Please note, attendance will be taken in all other classes. Students are only excused from classes while they are in the test sessions. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Stanton.
14 days ago, Grantley Mizelle
A plus Testing
ACT-W Prep
ACT-W Prep 2
MCHS Guardian News Week of 2/17/25
16 days ago, Grantley Mizelle
Our SRO Deputy Nicholson does a fantastic job keeping our kids and staff safe. He also builds positive working relationships with our students. We celebrated him today on national SRO today. THANK YOU to all the SRO's.
18 days ago, Grantley Mizelle
Bus Drivers were celebrated this past week during love the bus week. A big thank you to all the bus drivers that get our students to and from school everyday. The group was celebrated this week with cards, banners, and treats from students/staff.
18 days ago, Grantley Mizelle
Bus Drivers
More Bus Driver photos. Check out the banner made by our advanced art class.
18 days ago, Grantley Mizelle
Bus banner
JROTC cadets competing in the JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl Level II. The main goal of the JROTC Academic Bowl is to prepare students for state exit/graduation exams as well as college entrance exams, such as the SAT and ACT. Questions cover language arts, math, science, and general knowledge in each level of the competition. The breakdown of question content in both online rounds are: 85% - core curriculum questions (math, science, language arts) 15% - General Knowledge (financial literacy, college entrance, and current events questions)
20 days ago, Tonya McDade