Week of 11/18/24 Gator Guardian Newsletter
This week we rewarded students with Donuts who created a FSA ID. We also have started to put students names up with the colleges they have been accepted into our bulletin board by the counselors office.
Ms. Jayla Council our college advisor is available to meet with any senior about their college/pathway plans.
Monday 11/18 is a big night for MCS Curriculum and Career & Technical Education for high school students and families! Come out to see core courses, instruction techniques, and ALL departments of CTE. Ask questions, see course offerings and pathways, and plan for your future! Doors open at 5:30 and sessions begin at 6pm at the Innovation Campus. We look forward to seeing YOU!
Please come be our guest on Monday at the IC. Come see how and what our students are learning. We also will display our CTE programs: welding, agriculture, animal science, computer science, 3D modeling/AI, health care, and foods. Ask teachers questions about the curriculum for CTE, Math, English, Science, and Social Studies.
MCS CTE has gained another partner to help grow our homegrown talent and provide awareness for manufacturing jobs in the county. Flagstone Foods, Inc. (Robersonville, NC) is creating a Career Day for interested MCHS seniors to tour the plant and debrief about employment options.
Interested in our MCHS JROTC gear, please scan the QR Code that is attached to order.
Check out the newest "Swamp Talk" as Mr. Mizelle sits down with the JROTC Raider Team Leader Cadet Corrina Pledger. Don't forget to like and subscribe to our youtube channel. Go Gators.
JROTC Color Guard are broadcasted in the local news during the Veteran Day Ceremony.
JROTC Booster Club meeting is on this Thursday (14th Nov) at 5:30 pm in the JROTC classroom (900 bldg.). Please come join us.
Our MCHS JROTC salutes all veterans on this Veterans Day. Our JROTC Color Guard at the Williamston AMVets Veterans Day Ceremony.
Guardian News 11/11/24
This message is for all high school students who are interested in attending college as a Nursing Major.
Opportunities for nursing scholarships, or guaranteed admission into nursing programs through ROTC when they were in high school. This web conference would be good for all students, their parents and staff members who would like to know more information about:
· Obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
· What to look for in a nursing program
· Lessons learned on how to get into a nursing program
· Nursing Programs that guarantee admission if you are in ROTC
· Scholarships for ROTC cadets with a nursing major
They are not recruiters and will not contact anyone after the meeting if they do not want any further information.
Individuals interested in attending need to use the QR code on the attachment to receive a link for the event. Please do so in advance so we know how many people will attend.
Nursing School Interest Web Conference
DATE: 21 NOV 2024
Time: 6:30pm
MCS CTE Ag programs are taking it up a notch! Brent Jennings, NC Coopertative Extension Animal Science Associate speaks to students enrolled in Animals Science I about livestock market trends, food processing, and careers in Food & Animal Sciences.
Riverside Middle School's Ag and Natural Resources program received its greenhouse for expanding the Hydroponics & Plant Pathology program.
We hope that you will join us for our CTE/Curriculum Night on 11/18/24.
MCHS JROTC cadets participate in "Meet Your Army Day" this event was held at Fort Liberty in North Carolina. This event is where high school and college students can learn about the U.S. Army and the opportunities it offers. The event was organized by the XVIII Airborne Corps and the U.S. Army Recruiting North Carolina (Raleigh) Battalion.
During Meet Your Army Day, participants can:
-Speak with soldiers, military officers, and leaders
-Experience daily life on a military base
-Participate in hands-on activities, such as placing on military parachutes, entering combat vehicles, and working with medical personnel
-Learn about the Army's weapons and training simulators
JROTC Color Guard at Senior night home football game.
The Swamp Talk Podcast Season 1 Episode 4 "62 Million Dollars"
Martin County School Superintendent Dr.Michelle White sits down with Principal Grantley Mizelle of Martin County High School and discuss building a New High School here in Martin County which is projected to be finished by 2028.
Please remember to like and subscribe on our you tube channel.
Gator Guardian News 11/4/24
The MCS Barnyard was busy this morning bridging the pathway of Middle School Agriculture and High School Animal Science. The Animal Science II Companion class hosted Agriscience students from Riverside Middle School to see and work with companion animals. Chickens, baby chicks, goats, rabbits, mini pot-belly pigs, and a ferret were on display for students to hold and observe. Students will be provided more of these opportunities as we begin celebrating Career Development Month.
#Career & Technical Education #MartinOffersMore #MSCTE
The results are in and the gators are applying to colleges everywhere.
If your senior has not yet met with Ms. Jayla Council (our college advisor), please make sure they do so asap.