Due to the inclement weather, please visit our website and facebook page for updated athletic schedules.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Knight Lunch Schedule this week. Make sure you sign up for your “3” after 9pm each night.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Friends of Rachel will meet during Knight Lunch C on Monday, February 25.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
A special thank you to the students and staff for an outstanding job on the ACT administration last Wednesday.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Students are reminded to follow the MCS dress code each day. Students are reminded to be to school and class on time each day. Students are reminded to follow the cell phone policy for MCS and RHS.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Interact Club members, please check your email for important information.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Students interested volunteer hours. Rodgers Elementary is hosting a Literacy Carnival on March 1st from 6 pm to 8 pm. Volunteers need to would need to be at Rodgers at 5:45 pm. If you are interested, please email Mr. Guard, Mr. Myers, Mr. Matthews, Mr. Woody, Mrs. Alvarez or Mrs. Hoggard. The deadline is February 27th.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Volunteers Needed
Start saving your pennies! Pennies for Patients will begin on March 4 and run through March 22.
almost 6 years ago, Jim Guard
Forty - Three books have been donated to the media center so far. Can we make it 60? Bring your gently loved young adult books to the media center.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Mr. Edwards will be bringing back Knight Lunch guitar lessons Friday. Make sure to look for it!!
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Guitar Pic
Mr. Hollis would like to announce that he is offering five new Knight’s Lunch sessions. Please look for these in the near future and sign up if you’re interested. Myth in Harry Potter, Star Wars, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe Live Performances of Music - Performances of many genres of music, including rock, country, rap, and pop music, will be discussed. RHS Fantasy Baseball League - A league will be created using Yahoo Fantasy Sports. The champion will be awarded a trophy. Paper Football League - A league devoted to the art of Paper Football.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
The FFA Event Scheduled for tonight has been postponed until Tuesday - March 12th - More information to follow.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Jostens will be here on March 28 to deliver caps and gowns. Please make sure you have paid your balance by then. Students who have not yet paid their balance will not receive their cap and gown on that date.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Would you like to enjoy a cup of coffee during Knight Lunch? Bring a cup with a lid and your own coffee pod. Coffee pods and creamer will be on sale for fifty cents each if you’d like to purchase them. You still need to bring your own cup with a lid. See Mrs. Shepherd if you have questions.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
The RHS Gospel Choir will be performing at MCC on Thursday - February 21st at 7:00 pm.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Feb.20th-NoRAPPeriodSchedule,ACT 11th graders-Feb.20th,11th graders downstairs classrooms-7:45am
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
ACT Logo
All RHS 11th graders will be taking the ACT on Wednesday February 20th. We will be using the No RAP Period schedule to accommodate the ACT day testing schedule. Here are a few reminders: 11th graders need to report downstairs at the 7:45 am bell. 11th graders need to get a good night's sleep before taking the test. Please take advantage of our school breakfast at no cost. You can not have cell phones, smart watches or any electronic devices during the test. Please consider leaving them at home or in your vehicle. 11th graders that would like to depart after the test must have a signed note from a parent and it must have a working number. Parents will not be able to check their 11th graders out over the phone. Thank you to the RHS staff and 11th graders for their hard work in preparation for the ACT.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
ACT Logo
Knight Lunch Schedule-Feb.19th,Feb.21st,Feb.22nd,No RAP Schedule-Feb.20th
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Conference Tourney@RHS-tonight-Girls-6pm,Boys-7:30pm,$6 per person, No passes except NCHSAA passes. Go Knights!
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
All 11th grade students at RHS will be taking the ACT on Wednesday February 20th. The ACT is required to be completed by all 11th graders in the state of North Carolina. We will be on the No RAP Period schedule on Wednesday due to testing. A detailed phone message, facebook post and website posting will take place on Tuesday evening.
almost 6 years ago, Jim Guard