Seniors and Marshals, Graduation Practice for the Class of 2024 will be on June 7th at 10:00 am in the cafeteria. We will begin in the cafeteria & move to the auditorium. All debts, including senior fees, must be paid before you will be allowed to participate in practice. If you do not attend practice, you WILL NOT be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony on Saturday. DO NOT BE LATE FOR PRACTICE! THE LONGER IT TAKES US TO START, THE LONGER PRACTICE WILL LAST!
Seniors, if you have a family member or friend that is attending graduation that is handicapped or has trouble walking, you need to see Mrs. Most or Mrs. Hoggard to get a handicapped seating form so they can get preferential parking & seating. See either one of them to get a form. All forms must be returned to them by June 3rd. Handicapped armbands & parking passes will be given out at graduation practice on June 7th.
Cheer tryouts!
A run-off election will be held for the RHS SGA Executive Board position of Treasurer. Voting will begin on Tuesday, May 14, and end on Wednesday, May 15. A ballot will be emailed to all current RHS 9th, 10th, and 11th graders before school on Tuesday.
All students need to bring their charged chromebook to school for benchmark testing this week. Please make sure your child charges their school issued device nightly.
Guardians please remind your students of the Martin County Schools dress code. Shorts above 3 inches of the knee and pajama pants/bed room shoes are not allowed.
There will be a 12th grade awards night for all RHS 12th graders on May 16 at 6 pm. SCHS will host their 12th grade awards ceremony on May 23 at 9 AM. RHS/SCHS underclassman awards will be May 23 from 9:30 AM to 11 AM. All events will take place in the RHS auditorium.
Band Color Guard auditions are May 20 and 22 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm in the RHS auditorium. Please direct any questions to Ms. Cardwell.
There will be a health science career exploration camp on July 15 and 16 for rising 10th graders at the IC. Please see your counselor to sign up or contact Ms. Christenberry at the IC.
Beta club inductions for RHS and SCHS students will be on May 28 at 1:30 pm in the RHS auditorium. Senior Beta Club dues of $35 are due by Tuesday, May 14th. Dues can be paid to Mrs. Whitaker or Mrs. McCombs.
May 28 will be the winter/spring athletic awards night at 6 pm in the auditorium. Please contact Coach Hughes for more information.
The FFA will host an awards night at the IC on May 14 at 6 pm. Please RSVP with Ms. Patterson.
Ms. Hoggard’s honors class will have a civil rights museum display in the media center on May 15. All are invited to come and see the display made by our students.
Any student interested in attending the STEM Mavericks workshop this summer should see Mr. Prettyman. This event is June 16 thru June 21 at ECU.
There will be an 11th grade student/parent night on May 20 in the RHS media center at 6 pm. This will be an informative session about 11th graders becoming 12th graders.
This is a reminder that all 17 year old students and rising 12th graders must turn in their meningococcal vaccination documentation asap. If you need assistance, please contact Nurse Spence.
There will be a night of the arts showcase on May 23 at 7 pm in the auditorium.
Cheerleading tryouts for the fall season will be held on May 14 thru 16 in the RHS gym. You must have an up to date physical and be academically eligible to try out. Please talk to Ms. Beach if you have any questions.
Drivers Education registration for the June 17th-21st class is coming up. Students must be born on or before December 2009 to register for this class. The cost of the class is $65.Students whose homeschool is South Creek will register from 2:00-2:30 on May 29th and 30th in the cafeteria.Students whose homeschool is Riverside High School will register after school in the cafeteria from 3:25- 4:00 on May 29th and 30th.
To clarify any confusion, we are operating a REGULAR SCHOOL DAY THIS WEEK. Students will be taking final benchmarks this week from 8:10-10:05 am.
8:05 am -10:05 am Benchmark
10:05am - 11:10am 1st Block
11:14am - 12:37pm 2nd Block
11:14am - 11:39am Lunch 1
11:43am - 12:08pm Lunch 2
12:12 pm - 12:37pm Lunch 3
12:41 pm - 1:41 pm 3rd Block
1:45 pm - 2:55 pm 4th Block
Monday May 13, 2024
8:05-10:05 - English 2
All other classes will report to 2nd period.
Tuesday May 14, 2024
8:05-10:05 - Math 1 and Math 3
All other classes will report to 4th
Wednesday May 15, 2024
8:05-10:05 - Biology
All Other classes report to 3rd period
Wester to admin his 1st and 2nd period in Media Center
Delph to Admin Wester 3rd period@ IC
Thursday May 16, 2024
8:05-10:05 - CTE 9-11 & Makeups
All others report to 1st period
Students, please be reminded of the MCS Dress Code Policy:
General Dress Guidelines
1. Clothing must be age-appropriate, must not be disruptive to the teaching-learning process, and cannot be provocative, revealing, indecent, vulgar, or obscene.
2. Clothing will not be allowed which promotes alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or the use of a controlled substance, depicts or provokes violence, is lewd or of a sexual nature, or is disparaging or offensive towards any person or person(s).
3. Clothing must be worn appropriately (not inside-out or backward, no rolled-up pants legs, unbuckled belts, unlaced shoes, etc.).
4. Clothing that is intentionally shredded or torn will not be allowed. Clothing is not to be sheer or mesh and cannot have excessive holes. Undergarments should not be exposed.
5. Tank tops or shirts with spaghetti straps are not allowed.
6. Shirts must cover the midriff and extend past the waistline
7. Coats including hoodies or hooded sweatshirts may be worn in classrooms or inside school buildings, however; students may not have the hoods on their heads inside the building.
8. Denim bottoms (pants, skirts, shorts) may be worn.
9. The following pants are not allowed: Overly tight pants such as spandex or bicycle pants or shorts, cargo pants or shorts, jogger pants, and yoga pants.
10. Shorts and skirts must be longer than three (3) inches above the knee.
11. Neither sagging pants/shorts nor “low rider” pants/shorts are allowed.
12. Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. Appropriate footwear is that which can be worn safely and without distraction in the school environment without fear of injury to oneself or others.
13. Footwear must be properly laced, tied, buckled, and fastened at all times.
14. Bedroom shoes are not allowed during regular school days but may be allowed as a part of Spirit Week costumes or special activities as approved by the principal.
15. Head coverings, headgear, including but not limited to kerchiefs, do-rags, bandanas, hats, caps, bonnets, visors, or sunglasses may not be worn inside the building except for medical or religious observance as agreed upon with the school administrator. Hoodies and coats with hoods may not be worn with the hood over the head at any time. Gloves and sweatbands are not allowed to be worn in the school building. Toboggans, gloves, and hats may be worn outside as weather dictates.
16. Students may not wear large pendants or medallions. For safety reasons, necklaces should be worn inside the shirt.
17. Students may continue to wear uniform appropriate clothing if they desire to do so.
Juniors and Seniors heard from a Newport News Shipyard representative today.
High school cheer tryouts are next week!
SENIORS - this is a reminder that tomorrow is the final day to sign up for Cap & Gown pictures. You need to see Mr. Griffin to sign up for a time to take your pictures on Thursday, May 16th.
Cap and Gown Make-up pictures will take place on Thursday, MAY 16th in the RHS auditorium lobby. Slots are limited! Sign up - by this Friday, May 10 - with Mr. Griffin in Room 113. There is a $10 sitting fee. You must pay the photographers on Thursday, May 16th. Caps and Gowns will NOT be provided. You must bring your own.
Guys: Please wear a collared shirt and a tie.
All students are asked to be in the auditorium lobby - dressed in their cap and gown - at least 5 minutes prior to their appointment time. f you have any questions, email or visit Mr. Griffin in room 113.
Senior Week Day 3 - Senior Walk
Happy School Nurse Appreciation Day Mrs. Spence!
Senior Beta Club dues of $35 are due by Tuesday, May 14th. Dues can be paid to Mrs. Whitaker or Mrs. McCombs.
Senior Week Day 2 - Alumni Guest Speakers
Thank you to these outstanding alumni for coming and speaking to our Seniors today!
Ronicia James, RHS ‘19
Honesty Rodgers, RHS ‘20
Sandra Garcia, RHS ‘20
Rodolfo Martinez, SCHS ‘20
Turner Griffin, RHS ‘19
Ebony Ward, SCHS ‘16
Brandon Battle, SCHS ‘15
Jahkene Clark, SCHS ‘19
Senior Week Day 1
Seniors from both schools got a chance to grab an ice cream treat while writing thank you notes to teachers/staff of their choice! Thank you Ms. James for helping our seniors prepare for their future.
Attention: Riverside and South Creek Seniors: LAST CHANCE FOR CAP AND GOWN PICTURES!
Cap and Gown Make-up pictures will take place on Thursday, MAY 16th in the RHS auditorium lobby.
Slots are limited! Sign up - by this Friday, May 10 - with Mr. Griffin in Room 113.
There is a $10 sitting fee. You must pay the photographers on Thursday, May 16th.
Caps and Gowns will NOT be provided. You must bring your own.
Guys: Please wear a collared shirt and a tie.
All students are asked to be in the auditorium lobby - dressed in their cap and gown - at least 5 minutes prior to their appointment time.
If you have any questions, email or visit Mr. Griffin in room 113.
There will be a School Improvement Team meeting on 5/6 after school in the media center. All are invited to attend.
Mark your calendars!
Martin County Career and Technical Education Summer Camp Opportunities still have opening! Register by May 15th!
Career Discovery Camp: Open to Rising 6th Graders - July 9-11 or July 16-18
Career Exploration (Animal Science, Game Design, or Trades) Camp: Open to Rising 8th & 9th Graders - July 9-11
Career Exploration II (Health Science) Camp: Open to Rising 9th & 10th Graders - July 15 & 16
Location: MCS Innovation Campus, 411 East Blvd. Williamston, NC 27892
Contact Mrs. Christenberry with Questions;