We appreciate you Mr. Mizelle!
9 months ago, Riverside High School
All 8th graders are invited to attend this event.
9 months ago, Riverside High School
Come out and support our tennis team.
9 months ago, Riverside High School
Round 1 of NCHSAA Tennis Playoffs Wednesday (5/1) at 4pm Martin hosts Roanoke Rapids
9 months ago, Sarah Stalls
Martin v RR
German Exchange Interest Meeting May 15, 6:30 pm MCS Innovation Campus
9 months ago, Riverside High School
Congratulations Ms. Cardwell!
9 months ago, Riverside High School
Help spread the word!
9 months ago, Riverside High School
All 8th graders are invivted to attend this event held at Riverside High School.
9 months ago, Riverside High School
9 months ago, Riverside High School
MCS Interns are a great example of "Martin Offers More!" They are also a great example to younger students and our constituents for the awesome jobs they are performing as community leaders and business professionals. Brooklyn Bailey's internship has enhanced her passion and future plans for law and the legal profession. Thank you to the Martin County Clerk of Court's office for your partnership. #MCSCTE #MartinOffersMore jkw
9 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
court intern
SENIORS Please complete this survey by May 31, 2024. Thank you! https://bit.ly/mcsclassof2024survey
9 months ago, Riverside High School
We appreciate our office support staff on both campuses! Thank you!
9 months ago, Riverside High School
Senior Week Information
9 months ago, Riverside High School
Seniors!! The MCC Foundation Scholarship forms are available for pickup on the wall in the guidance office. This scholarship is given out to 3 students from riverside and 3 students from south creek who are attending MCC after graduation. These are due back to the guidance office by May 6. Please see Ms. James or Mr. Smith for more information.
9 months ago, Riverside High School
Build your resume and enhance your leadership skills by becoming an Martin County FFA Officer! See Miss Patterson or Mr. Bennett for an application. Deadline: May 1st!
9 months ago, Kristy Christenberry
FFA Officer Apps 24
Join Martin County FFA for Awards Night!
9 months ago, Kristy Christenberry
FFA Awards Night 24
Want to spoil your dog with homemade treats that were made with love? Cindy Hill's class at Riverside High School is here to help! Funds raised will support real-world experiences for Mrs. Hill's class! Gavin will tell you more at https://bit.ly/RuffRuffTreats
9 months ago, Sarah Stalls
Ruff Ruff
All 17 year olds and rising seniors must present documentation regarding the NC required meningococcal vaccination. This should be completed before the first day of school for the 24-25 school year. This is a booster dose following the dose that you should have received in 7th grade. Submit copies of your vaccination records to Ms. Spence. Don't wait until September because every year the county runs out of the vaccination and students are not allowed to attend school without it. Please see Nurse Spence with any questions!
9 months ago, Riverside High School
Williamston Primary intern, Shakiah Dolberry, is enjoying her Pre-K internship and gaining valuable experience in early childhood development. Part of her designed pathway, Shakiah enjoys helping young students and studying nursery education with her mentor, Mrs. Cullipher.
9 months ago, Jason K. Wynne
PK shakiah
Save the date - all rising 9th graders!
9 months ago, Riverside High School
8th grade