Seniors, if you wish to attend Decision Day in May, it is mandatory that you schedule a senior check-in with Ms. Highsmith. There will be food, games and raffles. Check the link in your email to sign up for an appointment.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Juniors, it is mandatory that you meet with Ms. Highsmith before the end of the school year. Check your email for the link to sign up for an appointment.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
CPR-Friday-Knight Lunch B and C. Mrs. Ward's Homeroom-1202-MCA-Required for Seniors to Graduate-Go Knights!
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
If you were unable to pick up your cap and gown yesterday Mrs. Alvarez has it. You can come her my room BEFORE school, during Knight Lunch, or AFTER school. Do not interrupt her class to ask her for your cap and gown. If you have not ordered your cap and gown you need to call Jostens and order it ASAP.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Attention Spring Sports Athletes - Reminder - Do not forget to bring your BBQ Dinners and money to school Thursday. Turn them into your Coach or the Athletic Director. Go Knights!
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
The Martin County Autism Team is hosting a parent information night at Riverside High School on April 4th from 5-7. Representatives from Vocational Rehabilitation, TEACCH, Special Olympics, and teachers from Martin County will be available for parents to talk to and get information to help prepare for their students' futures. Parents can visit booths and get lots of information about community resources that are available for their children. Refreshments will be provided from 5:00 until 5:30 with the informational booths available from 5:30 until 7:00.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Ani-nation will meet again on April 4, after school in Mrs. Butler’s room, #206.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Students attending the prom will be able to purchase professional photos the night of the prom. Information sheets will be in the front office and Mrs. Most’s room by April 1st. All photos must be pre-paid on the night of the prom.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Attention Spring Sports Athletes - Reminder - Do not forget to bring your BBQ Dinners and money to school Wednesday. Turn them into your Coach or the Athletic Director. Go Knights!
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
All seniors are being asked to complete an informational exit survey by Friday, April 5th.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Baseball is at home against Pamlico County High School on Wednesday. The games are at 4:30 pm(JV) and 7:00 pm(Varsity).​ Go Knights!
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Tennis for today has been cancelled. Rescheduled for next Wednesday (4/10). Our next match is this Thursday at home vs Tarboro. Go Knights!
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Follow Riverside’s artists on Instagram @riversideknightart
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
The JV and Varsity Softball teams will travel to Pamilico County High School on Wednesday April 3rd. The first game is at 4:00 pm - Go Knights!
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
The ACT Workkeys test will be given on April 10th. Make up days will be April 11th and 12th. Seniors who are required to take the Workkeys assessment should have received an E-mail detailing the test dates and time.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Progress reports were distributed to all students today. Parents make sure you ask your students about their progress in their MCC courses.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Knight Lunch Schedule this week-Sign Up for your 3 after 9pm each night.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Juniors and Seniors please turn in your prom guest forms to Mr. Guard ASAP. The deadline is April 8th! Please remember to purchase your prom tickets by April 6th the cost is $35 per ticket through 1:30 on April 1st, after that tickets will be $45 each.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Progress reports go home to all students on Monday April 1st. Please review the handout attached to each progress report with more information to follow. If you have any questions about your child’s status in a course. Please contact your teacher by email or phone.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates
Senior fees are $45.00 and can be paid to Mrs. Alvarez each day by 1:15 p.m.
almost 6 years ago, High School Updates