RHS Senior Brooklyn Bailey shares from her internship; "Being a library assistant has given me a perspective on how much work truly goes into organizing a media center.” (B. Bailey - Media Science & Technology)
over 1 year ago, Jason K. Wynne
As an MCS Intern in HS Counseling, Janielle James shares, "Another task that I do as an MCS Intern is show new students around RHS. This involves showing them where their classes are, who their teacher is, and where they will be coming in, and going out in the morning and at the end of the day. It is good to see new people coming to RHS and even better being able to show them around as one of the upperclassmen". Thank you Janielle for being an ambassador for RHS and assisting the school administration.
over 1 year ago, Jason K. Wynne
jjames RHS
Softball is just around the corner!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Stalls
Thank you to all of our partners for the MCS Internship Program! These J.O.B.S. (Journeys of Beginning Success) are placing MCS students on a pathway of academic and career success!
over 1 year ago, Jason K. Wynne
RHS Media
RHS counseling
Foods RHS
Mrs. Ward's Health Science II students received Fire Safety training today. Thank you to the Williamston Fire Department for your continued support to put CTE programs and students!
over 1 year ago, Kristy Christenberry
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Mandatory Parent Meeting for all high school students taking Nursing Fundamentals!
over 1 year ago, Kristy Christenberry
High School Nursing Mandatory Meeting
Join the MCS Athletics Team!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Stalls
Join the MCS Athletics Team
If you missed the Launch Meeting for the Martin Innovative Early College, follow this link: bit.ly/miecprez to view the information presented by Dr. Michelle White, Superintendent of Martin County Schools.
over 1 year ago, Sarah Stalls
Martin County Schools Marching Band is open to rising 8th through 12th graders who attend Riverside Middle and High Schools or South Creek Middle and High School. Follow this link https://www.martin.k12.nc.us/page/martin-county-schools-marching-band to let organizers know you are interested. More information regarding rehearsals and transportation will be available soon!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Stalls
Interested in Marching Band?
6/13 : Please note the location change for soccer workouts!
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Stalls
Registration for summer Driver Education is coming up soon!
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Stalls
Summer Driver Education
We hope you will join us for this very special evening!
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Stalls
You Are Invited!
Don't forget Dink Mills Night at Barnes Field tomorrow (Tuesday, 4/25)! The celebration begins just before the 6pm game starts.
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Stalls
Dink Mills Night
Early Release for Students This Friday, April 21. All students are dismissed at Noon.
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Stalls
Early Release Day Friday!
Early Release Day Friday
SCES was "Cruising the Creek" tonight! Great job on a fun event for your families.
almost 2 years ago, Shannon Cecil
2nd Grade
"Cruisin the Creek"
"Cruisin the Creek"
"Cruisin the Creek"
"Cruisin' the Creek"
Coming soon . . . Spring Break!
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Stalls
Spring Break
Spring Break
Just a reminder! Kindergarten registration is just around the corner. ¡Sólo un recordatorio! La inscripción en el jardín de infantes está a la vuelta de la esquina.
about 2 years ago, Sarah Stalls
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration
Just a reminder. School menus are posted each month at www.mcscafe.com Sólo un recordatorio. Los menús escolares se publican cada mes en www.mcscafe.com
about 2 years ago, Sarah Stalls
New Section! News From Our District! Learn more about our amazing partners and the Ribbon of Hope Grant that will enhance Science education for many of our students. https://www.martin.k12.nc.us/page/ribbon-of-hope-grant
about 2 years ago, Sarah Stalls
Important Update on COVID Tests
about 2 years ago, Sarah Stalls