Important Update on COVID Tests

Holiday Hours

Important reminder about this Friday!

This is an important message from the Martin County Schools CTE Department regarding the upcoming Career Accelerator Camp Sessions which are July 21st and 22nd.
If you requested transportation to and from camp, you should have received a call from camp organizers. If not please contact Kristy Christenberry at 792-8812 extension 4334.
Breakfast begins at 8:45 each morning and lunch will be served at noon each day. Students will be dismissed at 12:20 daily.
Camp is conducted at the Martin County Schools Innovation Campus which is located directly behind Bojangles.
We are looking forward to this first of it’s kind camp with our students.
Please direct any questions regarding the camp to Kristy Christenberry at 792-8812 extension 4334.

We currently have a vacancy for a School Psychologist. To find out more about this position, visit the Current Vacancies in the top right corner of our webpage and check under certified positions.

Today we pause to thank and celebrate our team of principals! You have kept things going during times most will never understand. We appreciate each of you!

Attention Rising Juniors and Seniors - and their parents!
There will be another opportunity to get signed up for the Martin Community College Fire Academy this Thursday night (3/17)! This will be for the 2022-2023 school year.
Parents are asked to join their studetns for this meeting, which begins at 6:30 p.m. Thursday (3/17) at the Public Safety Training Facility, nect to the Burn Tower on the MCC Campus.
All interested students who will be juniors or seniors in 2022-2023 are encouraged to attend with your parents.

Stop by and see our team!

It's Love The Bus Week. Please thank a School Bus Driver today!

Follow this link for more information on upcoming Driver Education classes in our district. https://5il.co/15jv5

Martin County Schools will operate on a regular schedule for all schools and offices beginning Wednesday, January 26.

MCS will be closed Friday, January 21 for students and staff.

Martin County Schools will be closed Friday, January 21 for students and staff.

Thank you to our SRO's and Law Enforcement partners across Martin County.

Martin County Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay for students on Tuesday, January 4. Staff should report on their regular schedule as long as travel conditions allow them to do so safely.

Back to school Tuesday morning!

Please note announcement regarding phones at all MCS sites for 12/20.

December Menu for all schools
Printed copies of the monthly menus will be available upon request if they are not sent home from your child's school. Contact the school to receive a copy.

Survey regarding student uniforms will close December 3.
Here's the link to complete the survey if you have not done so.