Seniors see Ms. James if you have any questions.
You are invited! Come out Tuesday to see what our students learn and how they learn. This includes our NEW MATH curriculum. Refreshments will be provided.
Support our new choral program
Come out tonight and support the basketball teams!
We will host curriculum night in the media center at RHS on Feb. 20 from 6 pm to 7 pm. Come learn about what our students are learning, including our new Math curriculum.
There will be a talent show on May 16. Any student interested in participating needs to see Mr. Edwards or Ms. Cardwell. There will be an interest meeting on Feb. 22 during 1st period.
As we celebrate black history this month, please come and see our displays in the media center and on social media. Also the choir will be performing at the SCES black history program on Feb. 29 at 1 pm, come out to support.
Great things are happening in Martin County Schools.
Go Knights/Go Cougars/Go Martin County
Good evening South Creek and Riverside HS families. This Mr. Mizelle with your weekly reminders.
Any 12th grader who would like to purchase a senior ad for the yearbook needs to contact Mr. Joey Griffin asap. The deadline is Feb. 23. Yearbooks are now on sale for $45. You will have to pre-order and pay for the yearbook this year by March 28. You must pay with cash or check to Mr. Griffin at the RHS campus and Ms. Woolard at the IC. Please contact Ms. Cardwell and Mr. Griffin for more information.
Prom tickets are now on sale. Tickets are $35 a person or $60 a couple. Nurse Spence will be in charge of ticket sales and exact change or a check must be used as payment. The last day to purchase tickets is March 27. The grand march will require a $5 admission for each guest to view. This is a fundraiser to assist the prom committee with supplies for prom. Please see Ms. Whitaker or Ms. Cardwell for more information.
The FFA will have a club meeting at 3:30 at the IC on Feb. 21. National FFA Spirit Week is February 18-24. See Our Social Media Sites for spirit week details.
Martin County girls and boys basketball will be home Monday, February 19th in the first round of the Four Rivers Conference tournament. Games begin at 5:30. No passes will be accepted.
Coach Jenks and his staff are hosting a football parent community night in the RHS gym at 6 pm on Feb. 22. Come out and see what Martin County Football has to offer.
Chief Larry Johnson from the MCC Fire Academy will be at the Innovation Campus on Tuesday, 2/20 at 9 am to meet and speak with students interested in the Fire Academy (Jr. & Sr) and the Junior Firefighter program (Fresh. & Soph). He will then come to RHS and meet with students there at 10 am. Please contact Mr. Wynne at the IC for more info.
Community college application week is March 4-8. Login to for more info. Several college scholarship applications are coming due in March and April. You may also contact Ms. James or Mr. Smith for more information.
Math tutoring is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 4:15 pm daily. Please talk to your math teacher about this if you are interested. No transportation home is provided.
National Honors Society inductions will be on March 6 at 5:30 pm in the auditorium.
Attention all 11th graders: The ACT will be administered on Feb. 27. Please make sure you continue to work on the onto college ACT prep modules online as you prepare for this day. Please check with your guidance counselor for more information. Remember that the ACT is crucial to your acceptance into college.
CTE WorkKeys testing will take place on Feb. 28 and March 5 at the IC. The WorkKeys system from ACT is being used in high schools across the state and throughout the country to help students understand how they can improve their skills for better-paying jobs. WorkKeys scores help employers take the guesswork out of determining whether individuals are qualified for positions in their organizations. Students who take the WorkKeys tests have a clear way to demonstrate their abilities to future employers. Please contact Ms. Christenberry for more information.
RHS 12th graders are reminded to pay their senior dues to Ms. Hoggard asap. Jostens will deliver cap and gowns on Feb. 22 during lunches. We also remind all RHS 12th graders to check the senior class google classroom weekly.
The JROTC department will be hosting the ASVAB test on March 12 in the media center. This test is for anyone who may want to pursue the military as a career. Please see Capt. McDade for more information. The JROTC will also host a blood drive in the auditorium lobby on March 22.
Drivers Education registration for the March 11th-22nd class will take place February 26th and 27th in the cafeteria at Riverside High School. Students must be born on or before September 2009 to register for this class. The cost of the class is $65.Students whose homeschool is South Creek will register from 2:00-2:30 on February 26th and 27th in the cafeteria.Students whose homeschool is Riverside High School will register after school in the cafeteria from 3:25- 4:00 on February 26th and 27th.
South Creek Seniors, the last date for ordering your graduation cap & gown is quickly approaching. Please make every effort possible to place all orders by February 26th. Orders placed beyond this date may have extra costs associated with delivery and such. If you need assistance with your order, please contact Ms. Wynn for more information.
Ms. Hoggard’s history class will be assisting in the 250th year celebration of Martin County. This event will take place starting on March 16 at Moratoc Park from 10 AM to 4 PM. Our band/chorus/JROTC will be participating in the event as well.
Seniors be sure to check out scholarship opportunities posted outside of Student Services.
You are invited! Come out Tuesday to see what our students learn and how they learn. This includes our NEW MATH curriculum. Refreshments will be provided.
Seniors make sure you get your FAFSA done. See Ms. James if you need help.
MCS Celebrates CTE Month! Through February we are highlighting our Career & Technical Education Program, culminating in March with our College and Career Fair! The fair will be at the Innovation Campus, home of the Martin Innovative Early College on March 27th!
Martin County FFA participated in the Tar Roanoke Federation Competition on February, 15th at NERSBA. Congratulations to our winners who advance to the Regional Leadership Conference competition. Tonyneia James - 3rd place FFA Creed Reagan Cowan - 2nd place Extemporaneous Public Speaking Peyton Rogers - 1st place Employability Skills Thanks to Ms. Patterson, FFA Advisor who coached these young ladies!
Katie Ross, Senior Human Resource Advisor for Domtar and MCS grad, along with Safety Rep Joe Jordan, presented to CTE classes regarding the operations of Domtar, Inc. Students were able to gain information about the soft skills needed for job interviews and job preparation, as well as technical skills, wages, certifications, and opportunities at the plant.
Brendan Mobley, a 2020 MCS graduate employed by Oak Ridge Industries, Inc. (Washington, NC), demonstrates the art of TIG welding to students in Ag Mechanics I & II.
Morning Procedures for All Students
Monday Round 1
Reminder tomorrow is an Early Release day.
Student Announcements
Cap & gowns were delivered early to Jostens so they will be here on Thursday Feb. 22 during all lunches to deliver cap & gowns. Please make sure to pay your senior fees before that date so you can pick up your cap & gown. Also make sure you do not have an outstanding balance with Jostens for extras you may have ordered. If you owe for your senior fee or have an outstanding balance with Jostens, you will not be able to pick-up your cap & gown that day.
Senior Fees are now $100 and can be paid to Mrs. Hoggard during 1st period.
Open to Current 8th - 11th Graders!
Attention All Martin County High School Students and Staff: Please help us celebrate National FFA Week!