Interested in trying out for Spring sports? Check out this information. You must have an updated physical in final forms to tryout.
Did you know that Martin County Schools has 4 outstanding Career and Technical Student Organizations! Students in Grades 6-12 can join FFA and SkillsUSA and students in Grades 9-12 can join HOSA and FCCLA. Reach out to one of our CTSO Advisors for more information!
FCCLA - Mrs. Joyner, Mrs. Hale, or Mrs. Hardison (RHS)
FFA - Mrs. Hoggard (RMS), Mrs. Gurganus (SCMS), Mr. Bennett or Mrs. Patterson (Innovation Campus)
HOSA - Mrs. Ward or Mrs. Revels (Innovation Campus)
SkillsUSA - Mr. Wynne (RMS), Mr. Prettyman or Mrs. Griffin (Innovation Campus)
Thank you to the Williamston Fire Department for training Mrs. Ward's Health Science II Students in Fire Safety.
Spanish I students completed their superhero projects this week!
Friday, February 16 is an Early Release Day. We will follow this schedule.
JROTC is hosting the ASVAB on the 12th of March at 8:00 am in the media center. To sign-up please see a JROTC Instructor.
South Creek Seniors had guest speakers today. Mrs. Jean Rahman and Mrs. Angela Freeman came out to discuss a scholarship opportunity with them. Mrs. Rhaman also spoke to students about setting goals for their lives.
See Coach Jenks if you have any questions.
See Ms. James if you have any questions.
Tickets for the basketball game on Tuesday, February 13th versus Washington County will be sold at the front office of Riverside High School on Monday from 9:00-3:00 and on Tuesday from 9:00-2:00. Tickets are $8.00 a piece (please bring exact change). Wristbands for special seating will also be on sale for $20. This includes admission to the game and a chair up stairs in the gym.
Good evening South Creek and Riverside HS families. This Mr. Mizelle with your weekly reminders.
Any 12th grader who would like to purchase a senior ad for the yearbook needs to contact Mr. Joey Griffin asap. The deadline is Feb. 23. Yearbooks will be on sale in the coming weeks. You will have to pre-order and pay for the yearbook this year.
Prom tickets are now on sale. Tickets are $35 a person or $60 a couple. Nurse Spence will be in charge of ticket sales and exact change or a check must be used as payment. The grand march will require a $5 admission for each guest to view. This is a fundraiser to assist the prom committee with supplies for prom. Please see Ms. Whitaker or Ms. Cardwell for more information.
The FFA will have a club meeting at 3:30 at the IC on Feb. 21.
All 12th graders are reminded to submit their FAFSA information asap. Community college application week is March 4-8. Login to for more info. Several college scholarship applications are coming due in March and April. You may also contact Ms. James or Mr. Smith for more information.
On Feb. 13 Livingstone college will have a presentation in the media center at 10:30 AM. Please sign up with Ms. James.
Also on Feb. 13 at the final home regular season basketball game, our support services team will have a booth set up in the concession area with information about our better together initiative.
Math tutoring will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 4:15 pm daily. This will start this week. Please talk to your math teacher about this if you are interested. No transportation home is provided.
Please remind students that pajama pants are not to be worn in the building and that cell phones are not allowed out during class time.
Attention all 11th graders: The ACT will be administered on Feb. 27. Please make sure you continue to work on the onto college ACT prep modules online as you prepare for this day. Please check with your guidance counselor for more information. Remember that the ACT is crucial to your acceptance into college.
The robotics club representative will be in the lunchroom on Monday. Anyone who would like to participate with the robotics team may sign up at lunch. Club sign up went out to all SCHS students this week via email. Please have your child check their email as this will close on Monday after school.
RHS 12th graders are reminded to pay their senior dues to Ms. Hoggard asap. Jostens will deliver cap and gowns on Feb. 22 during lunches.
Ms. Hoggard’s history class will be assisting in the 250th year celebration of Martin County. This event will take place starting on March 14. More details will be forthcoming.
This week is love the bus week for NC public schools. If your child rides a bus please thank their bus driver for everything they do.
Our food pantry is in need of canned goods and non-perishable food items. If you would like to donate, please contact or come see our social worker Ms. Stokes.
We will host curriculum night in the media center at RHS on Feb. 20 from 6 pm to 7 pm. Come learn about what our students are learning, including our new Math curriculum.
Friday, Feb. 16 is an early release day for all students.
Finally, Great news, we have secured an NC Go Outside Grant to build an outdoor classroom at the IC.
Great things are happening in Martin County Schools.
Go Knights/Go Cougars/Go Martin County
Calling ALL of our talented high school students!!!! The second annual talent show.
Tickets for the basketball game on Tuesday, February 13th versus Washington County will be sold at the front office of Riverside High School on Monday from 9:00-3:00 and on Tuesday from 9:00-2:00. Tickets are $8.00 a piece (please bring exact change). Wristbands for special seating will also be on sale for $20. This includes admission to the game and a chair upstairs in the gym.
📣📣 School Counselor Week!!! 📣📣
Riverside and South Creek High School would like to highlight our counselors! We are truly blessed with the best.
Mrs. Stanton is Riverside’s School Counselor that oversees the 10th and 12th graders. Thank you for pouring into our students and families, creating great relationships and making a difference! We hope you know how appreciated you are, not only this week, but always! 💕
Yearbook Information
It's CTE Month and we want to showcase our Fabulous High School CTE Teachers! These teachers know their content, put in the extra hours to make sure every student has the opportunity to be successful through afterschool activities and clubs to engaging hands on lessons. Thank you for choosing MCS as your home!
📣📣 School Counselor Week!!! 📣📣
Riverside and South Creek High School would like to highlight our counselors! We are truly blessed with the best.
Mrs. Griffin is South Creek’s School Counselor that oversees all grade levels. Thank you for pouring into our students and families, creating great relationships and making a difference! We hope you know how appreciated you are, not only this week, but always! 💕
📣📣 School Counselor Week!!! 📣📣
Riverside and South Creek High School would like to highlight our counselors! We are truly blessed with the best.
Mrs. Whitaker is Riverside’s School Counselor that oversees the 9th and 11th graders. Thank you for pouring into our students and families, creating great relationships and making a difference! We hope you know how appreciated you are, not only this week, but always! 💕
It's CTE Month and we want to showcase our Fabulous High School CTE Teachers! These teachers know their content, put in the extra hours to make sure every student has the opportunity to be successful through afterschool activities and clubs to engaging hands on lessons. Thank you for choosing MCS as your home!
FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) students attended the annual Hospitality Leadership Conference at East Carolina University. These students have career interests in culinary arts, foods and nutrition, as well as the hospitality industry.