MCS HOSA (Future Healthcare Professionals) enjoyed a day of learning and observation on the ECU Health Campus. Students participated in the Brody Sciences Simulation Lab, observed real rehab practices, visited the Maynard Children's Hospital, toured the Ronald McDonald House, and ventured through the Brody Heart and Cancer Centers. MCS is learning by doing as students also received information about job shadowing opportunities at various ECU Health facilities.
Representatives from two Martin County agencies visited RHS to provide information regarding their respective careers and opportunities within their areas or work environments. Investigator M. Paniagua from the Martin County Sheriff's Office and Eric Manning, Production & Safety Manager at Martin Enterprises, provided students with valuable knowledge and real-world experiences. Students had questions answered and enjoyed learning about the intricacies of each employer.
Thank you to Mrs. Silverthorne and Mrs. Most for assisting in facilitating this event for students.
Good evening Knights. This Mr. Mizelle with your weekly reminders.
Seniors are reminded to pay their $95 dues to Ms. Hoggard. Any student driver is reminded to pay their $20 parking pass fee to Ms. Manning so they will not receive a parking fine.
The SGA Winter Formal Dance is on Dec. 15 from 7 pm to 10 pm in the cafeteria. The price is $10 a person and tickets are on sale until Dec. 8. Please see Mr. Hollis to purchase a ticket.
North Carolina Governor’s school applications are due on Dec. 1.
Toys for Tots donations of new, unwrapped toys or clothing items for children ages 2 -16 are still being accepted until Dec. 8.
The FFA, HOSA, and Skills USA clubs are collecting items for senior citizens in need. Items needed include blankets and winter clothing. The drop off location is at the innovative campus and the deadline to donate is Dec. 13.
The FCA will be participating in winterfest through Martin County Collective Youth Ministry for a free fun night at Sawyers fun park on 12/3 at 8 pm. Please see Mr. Wester for more information.
Seniors are encouraged to sign up for a meeting with Ms. James to complete their FSA ID which will help them get a head start on the FASFA process for college.
On Nov. 28 all CTE Concentrator students who have completed a CTE pathway and are scheduled to graduate in January will take the ACT Workkeys tests at the IC at 8am. The WorkKeys system from ACT is being used in high schools to help students understand how they can improve their skills for better-paying jobs. WorkKeys scores help employers take the guesswork out of determining whether individuals are qualified for positions in their organizations.
We hope you had a great Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing or students back at school on Monday Nov. 27. Go Knights/Go Martin County
Good evening Knights. This Mr. Mizelle with your weekly reminders.
A special shoutout to Mr. Griffin’s theater class for an honorable mention finish in the NC school board commercial contest.
Monday Nov. 20 there will be a fall athletic awards program in the auditorium at 6 pm. Please contact Coach Hughes for more information.
Seniors are reminded to pay their $95 dues to Ms. Hoggard. Any student driver is reminded to pay their $20 parking pass fee to Ms. Manning so they will not receive a parking fine.
Drivers Education Registration for the November 27th-December 8th class will take place November 20th and 21st from 3:30-4:15. Registration at Riverside High School will take place in the cafeteria. The cost of the class is $65.
The SGA Winter Formal Dance is on Dec. 15 from 7 pm to 10 pm in the cafeteria. The price is $10 a person and tickets are on sale until Dec. 8. Please see Mr. Hollis to purchase a ticket.
North Carolina Governor’s school applications are due on Dec. 1. Please have your child see their school counselor about the process to apply and check on the qualifications for the school.
Toys for Tots boxes have been placed in the front office for those who would like to donate new, unwrapped toys or clothing items for children ages 2 -16. The deadline to donate is Dec. 8.
If you missed the parent teacher conference sessions, your child has been issued their report card for the first quarter of this school year. Please make sure you check on your child’s academic progress.
Please remind students that no cell phones are allowed in the classrooms and no head gear is allowed in the building. These are both Martin County Schools policies.
The FCA will be assisting in winterfest through Martin County Collective Youth Ministry for a free fun night at Sawyers fun park on 12/3 at 8 pm. Please see Mr. Wester for more information.
Seniors are encouraged to sign up for a meeting with Ms. James to complete their FSA ID which will help them get a head start on the FASFA process for college. FASFA night is tentatively scheduled for Dec. 11 at 6 pm in the media center. We will have more details after Thanksgiving.
School is in session for students Nov. 20 and 21. There is no school for students on Nov. 22, 23, or 24. School will be back in session on Nov. 27. We hope that you have a great Thanksgiving Holiday.
Go Knights Go Martin County
MCS School Nutrition Team has a part-time opening for a Superhero at Riverside High School!
Good evening Knights. This Mr. Mizelle with your weekly reminders.
Seniors remember to pay your $95 senior dues to Ms. Hoggard.
Monday Nov. 20 there will be a fall athletic awards night in the auditorium at 6 pm. Please contact Coach Hughes for more information
Student parking passes are now on sale for $20. Please see Ms. Manning in the front office to purchase a pass. Students must have an up to date parking pass for 2023/2024 and park in any numbered spot in the parking lot. Fines will begin to be issued moving forward.
Drivers Education Registration for the November 27th-December 8th class will take place November 20th and 21st from 3:30-4:15. Registration at Riverside High School will take place in the cafeteria. The cost of the class is $65.
The SGA Winter Formal Dance is on Dec. 15 in the cafeteria. The price is $10 a person and tickets are on sale until Dec. 8. Please see Mr. Hollis to purchase a ticket.
The high school Fire Academy through Martin Community College for Jr's and Sr's will have meetings beginning in March. For those 9th & 10th graders who applied for the Jr. Firefighter program, your first meeting is November 13th at Williamston Fire Department. Anyone that signed up or is interested can see their guidance counselor for more information.
The FFA is selling BBQ Plates until Nov. 13. See Mr. Bennett or Ms. Patterson for more information. Additionally, the FCCLA club is hosting a can good collection until Nov. 21. Please see Ms. Joyner for more information on this.
North Carolina Governor’s school applications are due on Dec. 1. Please have your child see their school counselor about the process to apply and check on the qualifications for the school.
Toys for Tots boxes have been placed in the front office for those who would like to donate new, unwrapped toys or clothing items for children ages 2 -16. Boxes will be picked up December 6 - 8. Toys for Tots are sponsored by the Marine Corps Reserve. For more information locally, you may contact Mr. Rock Holliday at 252-791-2135.
A big congratulations to the football and fall cheerleading teams on a great season this year. A special thanks to our fall marching band for a great year as well.
Guardians, please make sure you are checking powerschool for grades and attendance for your student. Please contact Ms. Keyes if you need power school access or questions about this.
Friday Nov. 17 is a homeroom day. Students will go to their homeroom at 2:30 pm until the end of the school day.
Please be advised that there will be an organized lockdown drill in partnership with the Martin County Sheriffs dept. The drill be within the next 2 weeks.
Have a great evening.
Go Knights. Go Martin County.
Good evening Knights. This Mr. Mizelle with your weekly reminders.
Seniors remember to pay your $95 senior dues to Ms. Hoggard.
Student parking passes are now on sale for $20. Please see Ms. Manning in the front office to purchase a pass. Students have until November 7 before fines will be issued.
Please remind your child to charge their school issued device nightly so it is ready for school the next day.
Drivers Education Registration for the November 27th-December 8th class will take place November 20th and 21st from 3:30-4:15. Registration at Riverside High School will take place in the cafeteria. The cost of the class is $65.
The SGA Winter Formal Dance is on Dec. 15 in the cafeteria. The price is $10 a person. Please see Mr. Hollis to purchase a ticket.
This is a reminder that students needing medication during the school day must have a green medical form on file with Nurse Spence. This includes over the counter medicines such as tylenol or motrin.
The first quarter of this school year has ended. Nov. 8 and Nov. 9 are teacher workdays and parents have the opportunity to come and have a parent teacher conference with any of our instructors. Nov. 8 is from 11 AM to 7 PM and Nov. 9 is from 8 AM to 4 PM. While scheduling an appointment is not required, it is recommended that you email or call the instructor if you have a tight schedule as some conferences may be lengthy. Guardians will be able to pick up your child’s report card at this event. Please check power school for all updates on your students grades and attendance.
A big congratulations to the cross country and soccer teams on a great season this year.
Friday Nov. 10 is veterans day and there is no school that day.
Have a great evening.
Go Knights. Go Martin County.
There will be a School Improvement Team meeting on 11/6 after school in the media center. All are invited to attend.
MCS CTE and Early College students ventured to S&N Enterprises, a poultry farm owned by Perdue and operated by Mr. Steven Brake. Students gained perspective into the poultry industry, precision farming, and careers in the agriculture industry.
Purchase your BBQ Plate today and support Martin County FFA!
Purchase your BBQ Plate today and support Martin County FFA!
Purchase your BBQ Plate today and support Martin County FFA!
Order your BBQ Plate today and support the Martin County FFA!
Good evening Knights. This Mr. Mizelle with your weekly reminders.
Seniors remember to pay your $90 senior dues to Ms. Hoggard. The rate will increase to $95 this Wednesday November 1.
Student parking passes are now on sale for $20. Please see Ms. Manning in the front office to purchase a pass. Students have until November 7 before fines will be issued.
Please remind your child to charge their school issued device nightly so it is ready for school the next day.
Please remind students of the Martin County Schools dress code. Halloween is this week and students are asked not to wear any masks or face coverings. We also ask you to remind your students that they need a hall pass to be in the hallway at all times other than class changes and lunches.
The first quarter of this school year has ended. Nov. 8 and Nov. 9 are teacher workdays and parents have the opportunity to come and have a parent teacher conference with any of our instructors. Nov. 8 is from 11 AM to 7 PM and Nov. 9 is from 8 AM to 4 PM. While scheduling an appointment is not required, it is recommended that you email or call the instructor if you have a tight schedule as some conferences may be lengthy. Please check power school for all updates on your students grades/attendance.
A big congratulations to the volleyball and tennis team on a great season this year.
Fri. Nov. 3 will be a homeroom schedule day.
Students in grades 5-11 AND their parents; Don't forget the FALL INTO CTE event this Thursday, October 26th, from 5:30-7:30 at the Innovation Campus, home of the Innovative Early College and Career & Technical Education (CTE). Doors open at 5:30 so come out and enjoy all things CTE. Visit and see programs like none other in the county! Plan your CTE future Thursday night at Fall into CTE!
Good evening Knights. This Mr. Mizelle with your weekly reminders.
Seniors remember to pay your $90 senior dues to Ms. Hoggard. The rate will increase to $95 on November 1.
Student parking passes are now on sale for $20. Please see Ms. Manning in the front office to purchase a pass. Students have until November 7 before fines will be issued.
The ASVAB military test is on Oct. 24. Anyone interested in joining the military needs to take this test. Please see Ms. Stanton about this.
Spring MCC Registration for all Non-Early College students is underway. Students need to see Mr. Smith for more information. Students are reminded to schedule a meeting with their guidance counselor to begin the process of scheduling Spring classes. Students are also encouraged to speak with their homeroom teacher on Friday Oct. 27 during homeroom to discuss the scheduling process.
Oct. 24 there will be a meeting in the media center at 6 pm to discuss a travel opportunity to the Dominican Republic for the Spring of 2025. Please see Ms. Joyner for more information.
Please remind your child to charge their school issued device nightly so it is ready for school the next day.
On Oct. 26, the Fall into CTE event will be hosted at the Innovative Campus from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Come see what our CTE programs offer.
The TFBU foundation will host a drive thru trunk or treat at the RHS parking lot on Oct. 28 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. All are invited to attend this great community event.
We will host our Red Ribbon week next week. This week is dedicated to making healthy choices by living a drug free lifestyle. Please check our social media sites and the daily knight news for our theme days for each day this week.
Friday Oct. 27 will be a homeroom schedule day.
Please follow our sports teams on the Martin County Schools district website.
Have a great evening.
Go Knights. Go Martin County.
Updates for Monday, October 23
MCS Career & Technical Education; Identifying student skills for success!
"Fall Into MCS CTE" program, Thursday, October 26th 5:30 at the Innovation Campus! Come out and find the piece to your education and career puzzle! Grades 5-11
Mr. Alvin Frazier, Recruiter from Pitt Community College, speaks to CTE students about options and pathways at PCC, especially their Construction & Industrial Technology program. Students asked questions and received first-hand information about PCC. #MCSisstudentcentered #MCSCTE
"Fall into CTE" Program hosted at the Innovation Campus, home of the Martin Innovative Early College and Career and Technical Education programs, Thursday Oct. 26th from 5:30-7:30. Come see all the course offerings for students in CTE! 5th Grade -11th grade MCS students welcome!