Softball is just around the corner!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Stalls
Thank you to all of our partners for the MCS Internship Program! These J.O.B.S. (Journeys of Beginning Success) are placing MCS students on a pathway of academic and career success!
over 1 year ago, Jason K. Wynne
RHS Media
RHS counseling
Foods RHS
Mrs. Ward's Health Science II students received Fire Safety training today. Thank you to the Williamston Fire Department for your continued support to put CTE programs and students!
over 1 year ago, Kristy Christenberry
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Mrs. Ward's Health Science II students review Fire Safety training today. Thank to the Williamston Fire Department for your continued support to put CTE programs and students!
over 1 year ago, Kristy Christenberry
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Health Science II/Ward -Fire Safety training
Good evening Knights. This Mr. Mizelle with your weekly reminders. There will be a Sr. college night on 9/25 at 6 pm in the media center. There will be raffles for gift cards and refreshments provided. Please see Ms. James for more information. Seniors can pay their $90 senior dues to Ms. Hoggard. The rate will increase to $95 on 11/1. All 12th graders, please remember to get your meningococcal vaccine booster if you have not done so. Please call or see nurse Spence for more information. Senior and homecoming t-shirts are on sale until 9/19. Please see or contact Mr. Hollis for more information. Student government elections will be this week as well. Remind your child to make it to all classes on time as three tardies will result in after or before school detention. If your child has not turned in a technology contract form, please make sure they get this done so a chromebook may be issued to them. The $25 technology fee covers accidental damages for the device and if you did not pay this then you will be responsible for the cost of any damages. 9/23 from 8:30 to 12:30, the Marching Band will be having a car wash at the Robersonville Dollar Tree. The cheerleaders will be having a car wash on the same day at advance auto in Williamston. It will be held from 9 to 2. Progress reports will be sent home next week on or before 9/27. Friday 9/22 is an early release day.
over 1 year ago, Grantley Mizelle
Good evening Knights. This is Mr. Mizelle with a friendly reminder to pay the $25 technology fee to cover any damages that may occur. Please bring the technology form back to Ms. Most as well. All 12th graders, please remember to get your meningococcal vaccine booster if you have not done so. Please call or see nurse Spence for more information. There will be a band parent meeting on Sept. 11 at 6 pm. Senior and homecoming t-shirts are on sale until Sept. 19. Please see or contact Mr. Hollis for more information. Anyone interested in the student government association needs to fill out a nomination form by Monday. Please see Mr. Hollis for any questions. Remind your students of the dress code and cell phone policies for Martin County Schools. No cell phones are to be used in the classroom, all of the abdomen area must be covered, and no head wear is allowed in the building. Lastly, the drivers education registration for the next class is Sept. 12/13 from 3:15 to 4:30 pm in the auditorium lobby. Please see Mr. Jackson for more information. We hope you have a great evening.
over 1 year ago, Grantley Mizelle
There will be a School Improvement Team meeting on 9/11 after school in the media center. All are invited to attend.
over 1 year ago, Grantley Mizelle
Good evening Knights. This is Mr. Mizelle with a reminder that school is closed on Monday Sept. 4 in observance of Labor Day. If your child has not paid the $25 technology fee for chromebook use, please have them complete that this week. All students will report to homeroom during the intervention block this week. Please make sure that your child returns all the necessary forms back to their homeroom teacher this week if they have not done so already. Students will also have the opportunity to sign up for clubs this week during homeroom. If you have not signed up for the powerschool parent portal, please make sure you do so as soon as possible. Please call the office if you have any questions about this process. This is a reminder that student drivers are expected to be on time for all of their classes. This includes students that drive from the innovative campus. We need all students in class on time. Homecoming and Senior t-shirts are on sale, please email or see Mr. Hollis for more information. The Jostens representative will be on campus Wednesday Sept. 6 to meet with the 11th and 12th graders regarding class rings and graduation information. Lastly, 9th, 10th, and 11th grade picture day is on Thursday Sept. 7.
over 1 year ago, Grantley Mizelle
Good evening Knights. This is Mr. Mizelle with a reminder that students are back in school on Monday Aug. 28. Our school day starts at 8:01 AM. Please make sure your child is on time and is ready to learn. Students may enter the building for breakfast no earlier than 7:45 AM. If you missed our open house night, please check powerschool for your child’s schedule. Remember to bring the $25 technology fee so your child may take their chrome book home. Please remind your children of the new cell phone and dress code policies. Cell phones are not to be used in the classroom and head wear is not allowed inside the building. Student drivers and drop offs are to enter the building through the lunchroom entrance. Any student arriving to school late will have to enter the building through the main office and get a tardy pass to class. No commercial outside food is allowed in the building and all students eat breakfast and lunch for free. Our 12th grade parents will host the senior breakfast on Friday Sept. 1 at 7:15 AM in the auditorium. All seniors are invited to attend. We are looking forward to a great school year.
over 1 year ago, Grantley Mizelle
Mandatory Parent Meeting for all high school students taking Nursing Fundamentals!
over 1 year ago, Kristy Christenberry
High School Nursing Mandatory Meeting
Good Evening Knights. This is Mr. Mizelle, principal at Riverside High School. Schedules and other important information were mailed out this past week. Please take time to review this information and reach out to the guidance counseling team if needed. Open house will be held on August 24 from 4 to 7 pm in the media center at RHS. There will be an informative presentation in the media center at 5 pm. Please come meet your teachers, fill out important forms, and learn about the clubs offered at RHS. You may also pay your $25 technology fee at this time. We look forward to seeing you on August 24. Go Knights. Go Martin County.
over 1 year ago, Grantley Mizelle
Join the MCS Athletics Team!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Stalls
Join the MCS Athletics Team
If you missed the Launch Meeting for the Martin Innovative Early College, follow this link: to view the information presented by Dr. Michelle White, Superintendent of Martin County Schools.
over 1 year ago, Sarah Stalls
MIEC Contact
Martin County Schools Marching Band is open to rising 8th through 12th graders who attend Riverside Middle and High Schools or South Creek Middle and High School. Follow this link to let organizers know you are interested. More information regarding rehearsals and transportation will be available soon!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Stalls
Interested in Marching Band?
6/13 : Please note the location change for soccer workouts!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Stalls
Registration for summer Driver Education is coming up soon!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Stalls
Summer Driver Education
We hope you will join us for this very special evening!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Stalls
You Are Invited!
Don't forget Dink Mills Night at Barnes Field tomorrow (Tuesday, 4/25)! The celebration begins just before the 6pm game starts.
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Stalls
Dink Mills Night
Coming soon . . . Spring Break!
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Stalls
Spring Break
Spring Break
Trek to Yellowstone RHS Science Teacher Named to 2023 Educators of Excellence Team Travis Wester, a veteran science teacher at Riverside High School, was chosen as a 2023 Educator of Excellence by the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. One of ten chosen across the state, Wester participated in the program’s winter excursion - the Yellowstone Institute - January 11-17. According to the NCMNS, the Educators of Excellence Institutes were created to “enable exemplary educators to experience the natural world in selected outstanding environments; increase the use of reflection and direct environmental experience in teaching and become inspired and recommitted to the teaching profession.” The final goal of the program, “to become a part of a statewide network of exceptional educators for continued support and learning,” seemed to be Wester’s favorite part of the experience. “The main purpose was to observe wildlife,” Wester explained. “Seeing all the stuff we saw was amazing, but the group experience was the best.” Through the group process, Wester also became aware many of the challenges he faces as an educator are felt in all parts of the state. “ Educators studied and experienced the wonders of the world’s first national park and its incredible wildlife, including bears, bison, wolves, and elk. The geological wonders of the park also provided interesting educational features for the teachers. Wester saw things in person, such as chemosynthesis in geothermal vents. Until this trip, his knowledge would have only come from textbooks. “When I talk about it in the future, I can speak to it from first-hand experience,” he added. Educators in the program experienced the magic of Yellowstone National Park in “its harshest and quietest season,” according to the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. Snowshoe hikes and sightings of creatures such as an ermine (short-tailed weasel) were just part of what made this trip an unforgettable experience. Participants were afforded time with experts such as U.S. Wolf Biologists and other team members who excelled in their fields. Add to that the sights such as the Thumper geyser and other wonders of the park. “The most valuable thing to me,” said Wester, “was just stopping and enjoying what is there.” Visit the team's blog at for amazing photos and more details on their experience.
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Stalls